Page 2 of Counting the Stars

“It’s nice to meet you, Gabby. Are you visiting?” I noticed her license plates were from Arizona. I hoped her stay wasn’t temporary. That could put a damper on the whole meeting-my-future-wife thing.

“No, I just moved in yesterday.”

“Yesterday,” I repeated. “Are you Michelle’s new roommate?” Michelle lived in the condo adjacent to mine. She mentioned she was interviewing potential roommates, but I hadn’t been around much to know if she found anyone.

“Yes. You know Michelle?”She cocked her head to the side in curiosity.

“I live right next door in 310.”

“Oh, wow!” she stammered. “Are you roommates with Carter? I met him last night.”

Of course she’d met Carter already. He was like the damn welcome wagon for all of us on 3rd East. If it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t have met Michelle or Jax, who lived across the hall.

An icy gust of wind blew, making her visibly shiver. The rain might’ve stopped, but we were both soaked to the bone. “You must be freezing. Come on, let’s get inside.”

“Yeah, I’m not used to the cold like this.” She wrapped her arms around herself and followed me through the doors of the lobby. We had a nice little setup here at the Woodland Condominiums. The building was basically a square with each side named after the direction it faces. The main floor had a pool, small gym, laundry room, and mailroom; the condos started on the second floor. We lived on the 3rd floor on the east side, hence the 3rd East name.

“So what brings you to Oregon?” I casually asked as we stepped onto the elevator.

“Job relocation,” she replied, with nothing more.

“What do you do?”

“I’m a nurse.”

“No shit! Will you be working at the hospital?”

She nodded while staring at the numbers over the elevator door. “I start next week in the Emergency Department.”

“Well, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other. I’m at the firehouse next door.” I gave her a flirty wink, but her face seemed to wash over with sadness. I brushed it off. Maybe she was just tired from her move and getting caught in the rain.

“I guess so,” she repliednoncommittally and practically jumped out of the elevator when it reached our floor.

I followed behind her like a lost puppy.

“Umm, what are you doing?” She turned when we stopped at the door of 312. I hadn’t realized I walked right past my place.

“Just making sure you get home safely.” I smiled and hoped that would save my blunder. I was usually much smoother with the ladies.

“Oh, okay, well…thanks again for helping me with my keys.”

“Anytime, and I know you’re no damsel in distress, but if you ever need help with anything, just remember I’m right next door.” I pointed in the direction of my place just as she slipped through the door of hers.

I stayed standing in the hallway until her door was completely shut. I couldn’t believe my luck. My future bride not only just moved in next door, but she would be working right beside me as well. This was going to be so easy.

“OW!” A sharp burning sensation pulls me out of my thoughts. I swivel my head to glare at Hilda. “You just stabbed me in the ass!”

“It was one little prick,” she says, holding up her weapon of choice. I swear there’s a drop of blood on it. Hilda disposes of the needle and stomps away, muttering something to herself just as a familiar face pops her head through the curtain.

“Now you show up?”



Gripping my extra-large caramel coconut cold brew from Portside Perks, I head into work, ready to start my shift at Starboard Beach’s Emergency Department, only to discover a small crowd hovering around the curtain of Room 2.

“What’s everyone doing?” I ask Dr. Cody, one of the attending physicians who doesn’t seem to care about the commotion behind him.