“Yeah, but that’s their story. A one-in-a-billion chance.” She measures a capful of detergent.
“Which means it could happen again. I think your pessimistic outlook on life could use a little more of my optimistic influence.”
“I’m not a pessimist. I’m a realist.”
“To-may-to, to-mah-to. I believe if you keep a positive attitude, good things will come your way.” I take all the clothes from my basket and smush them down into the drum of the washer.
“Alex!” Gabby squeals. “What are you doing?”
“Laundry. What does it look like I’m doing?”
“You’re overfilling the washer.”
“Nah, it’s all good.” I use my fist to punch down the pile. “Once the water starts going, it will shrink down…it’s kind of like spinach.”
“You have got to be kidding me.” She puts her hands on her hips. “You didn’t even sort your lights from your darks.”
I take a few steps closer to her, lean down, and whisper in her ear, “I hate to tell you this, but I’ve never sorted my laundry and everything has always turned out fine.”
She takes a step back and looks up at me with an amused grin on her face. “You are one of a kind, Alejandro Jones.”
“And don’t you forget it.” I playfully tap her on the nose. I turn back to my wash, remembering my plan. I need to getto know Gabby on a deeper level and I missed out on an opportunity when we sat under the stars. I realized too late that I talked about myself the majority of the time. “I was planning to go to the gym to pass the time, but do you mind if I hang out here with you?”
“Umm, yeah, I guess that’s okay.” She bites down on the bottom of her lip.
“Did you have other plans?”
“No. I did bring a book with me, though.” She holds up a book that must’ve been with her laundry bag.
“Another romance novel?”
“Of course. That’s all I read.” She shrugs one shoulder.
“I don’t get it. You don’t date, but you read love story after love story.”
“Yes.” She takes her book and sits on one of the blue plastic chairs lining the wall. “The books I read guarantee a happily ever after. I know real life isn’t like that, but for at least a little while, I can escape into a world without sadness.”
“I don’t think this world is that sad.” I take a seat next to her and rest my arm around the back of her chair. Without fail, Gabby scootches closer into my side. I don’t even think she’s aware of how many times she cuddles up next to me when we’re together. “I mean, sure, tragic things happen, but there’s also a lot of good out there. I guess it really depends on what you choose to focus on.”
“I guess so,” she says noncommittally and then perks up. “I looked up your parents the other day.”
“Oh? And what did you find out about them?” It doesn’t surprise me that she looked them up. If Gabby told me her parents were local celebrities, I would search for them too. It’s also super easy to find information about them. A quick search of Jones and Elmwood Grove, Oregon, will provide you with that.
“Well, first of all, your dad’s name is Bob Jones? That’s the most generic-sounding name I’ve heard.” She laughs.
“Yeah.” I sigh. “His professors in college told him he would be better off with a stage name. You know, something more memorable, but he was set on using his real one. That’s why my mom insisted that all the kids have Hispanic names. She hoped it would counteract the plainness of our surname.”
“Speaking of your mom, she is gorgeous.”
“I do get some of my best features from her,” I agree. My mom is in her mid-sixties but doesn’t look a day over thirty-five. Despite rumors, she has never had any plastic surgery. She chalks it up to a healthy lifestyle and good genes.
“They also seem to do a lot of charity work,” Gabby continues.
“They do. Their presence at events brings in a lot of people,” I agree, and an idea pops into my head. “Would you like to meet them?”
“Umm…excuse me?”
“My parents’ anniversary is coming up in a few weeks and they’re going to have a little dinner celebration. I’ll be traveling home for it. I’d love to take you as my plus-one.” I hop out of my seat and begin pacing with a surge of energy. I don’t know why I never thought of this before. Having Gabby by my side will make the trip so much more enjoyable.