“Not from the guy in the house. Occasionally, a bear strolls by.” Even in the dimly lit space, I can see her roll her eyes.
“Do you come out here often?”
“Not as much as I’d like to.” We reach the clearing and park. “Stay here for a minute. I want to get everything set up.”
Should I be concerned that Alex has taken me to some desolate woodsy area in the middle of the night and no one knows we even left our building? Maybe. But this is Alex, and I trust him with all my heart.
“Do you need any help with whatever you’re doing?” I study him as he gets out of the SUV.
“Nope.” He presses a button on his key fob and the hatchback opens. He grabs a bag and pulls a lever to push down the seats in the back. I hear some random shuffling before he calls, “Okay, all ready.”
I hop out of the vehicle and walk around to the back to see the cutest little setup. In no time, Alex has created a makeshift bed/sitting area complete with blankets and pillows. It looks pretty cozy, but… “How is this supposed to help me sleep?” I ask.
“We’re going to count stars.” A boyish grin spreads across his face. He motions for me to get in. “Make yourself comfortable.”
“We’re going to—what?” I jump up and rest my back against a pillow. “There are millions of stars in the sky.”
“More like two hundred billion-trillion, give or take fifty.” He takes a seat next to me. It’s a little cramped, but I’m not complaining. “It’s something I’ve done for years to help me relax.”
“This helps you relax?”
“Have you even looked up yet?” He reaches and manually shuts off the overhead light.
“No, I—wow!” I stare in awe as the night sky comes into focus. “This looks like it came out of a movie or poster I would’ve had hanging in my bedroom.” The longer I look, the more stars seem to appear.
“I hate that we can’t see this from our condos, but there’s just too much light pollution over there, ya know?”
“No, I get it now.” I continue to keep my focus on the heavens above. The glowing orbs illuminating the sky are mesmerizing. “This is so peaceful. I can see why you come out here to relax.”
“And count stars,” he chimes in.
“You can’t be serious.” I take my attention off the wonderous sky to study Alex’s face, but my eyes are still trying to adjust to the darkness.
“Yup. Let me tell you a story. When I was a kid, like eight or so, I went through a severe case of insomnia. It was awful. I would lie awake all night and be like a zombie the next day. My mom tried everything to get me to sleep—a sound machine, room-darkening curtains, and warm baths. One time, she doused my room with lavender. I went to school smelling like a cheap-scented candle the next day.
“Huh.” I think back to times I’ve had trouble sleeping. I don’t think I ever had any issues as a kid, but the weight of being an adult is a different story. I know my sister went througha night terror phase for a while. “What do you think was the cause? Did you have nightmares or think monsters were under your bed?”
“No, nothing like that. Believe it or not, I was a really angry child.”
“You?” My voice is louder than expected. Alex is always such a happy-go-lucky guy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him angry.
“Yup. How much do you know about my family?”
“Hmm…” I chew on my fingernail. “I know your mom is from Mexico and your dad is from Canada and they settled in the States. You’re the youngest of seven and the best looking out of the bunch.”
“So you know all the important information.” He chuckles.
The vibration from his laugh travels through my shoulder and down my body. I slowly slide up closer to him so our sides are flush against each other. Alex never says anything about the little ways I find to touch him, and I like it that way.
“Other than that, I don’t think I know much,” I say once I’m comfy and cozy.
“My parents are local celebrities.”
“You’re kidding.” I swing my head around so fast that my hair smacks him in the face.