Page 77 of Counting the Stars

“Oh?” I say, confused, and then it hits me. “Oh my God! Did she have the baby?”

I try to shift in my hospital bed with a surge of adrenaline. I don’t know where she is, but I want to be there for her.

“It happened the night you were attacked.” Alex stands to fluff my pillow. “She went into labor during the storm and had the baby at home. Well…our home. On the couch, specifically.”

“Wait. Don’t tell me you delivered J.J.” I gasp.

“All nine pounds, two ounces of him.” Alex puffs out his chest.

“Are they here?” I can’t believe I missed two days of baby snuggles.

“I think they’re getting discharged today.”

“More like right now,” Aly’s voice sounds from the doorway. A nurse pushes her wheelchair while Jax walks beside them, holding a baby carrier.

“No. Way!” I fight through the pain to sit up straighter. I already want to rip this back brace off me.

“Hold on, let me help you.” Alex puts his arms under mine and lifts me a bit.

“I insisted that you meet our newest family member before we left.” Aly lifts up from her chair to give me a hug. “I’m so happy you’re okay,” she says into my ear. “I wanted to come up and visit you, but I wasn’t allowed to leave maternity. Alex did a great job giving us updates, though.”

“I’m so sorry I missed J.J.’s birth,” I tell my friend as she pulls away from our embrace.

“Everything worked out.” She sits back in the wheelchair. “You should’ve seen Alex take charge of the situation. I knew we were in good hands.”

“Can we not talk about that part?” Jax mumbles as he gently unbuckles his newborn son from his carrier.

“Let me guess. Alex wants you to name J.J. after him now.” I try to stifle a laugh. I know it will hurt like hell if I do, but it feels so good to be surrounded by many of the people I love.

“Of course he does.” Jax rolls his eyes and moves closer to me. “Would you like to hold him?” He looks down at his baby boy.

I’m so excited, I can barely get the words out, so I opt to nod vigorously. Alex grabs a pillow to help steady me, and Jax places the most peaceful-looking baby into my arms.

“He’s so perfect,” I gush, taking in his chubby cheeks and button nose.

It’s at that moment I realize that I want the type of life Jax and Aly have. Heck, I always wanted to get married and start a family of my own. The only thing holding me back was fear. I look up at Alex, who watches me with all the adoration in the world, and I know he’s thinking what I’m thinking.

The next time he proposes will be the last time. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man.



“Get your butt back in bed,” I order Gabby. She responds by sticking her tongue out at me. “Oh, real mature.” I try to hide my smile. It’s been a few weeks since the attack, and Gabby is recovering beautifully under my care. She has officially moved in with me, and Carter has moved into Jax and Aly’s old place for the time being. It’s like we played musical condos or something.

“Dr. Johnson did not confine me to bedrest. She even told me it’s good to move around.”

“Yes, but that was before you pulled your stitches from trying to reorganize the closet.” I place my arms across my chest.

“But I’m so bored,” she whines. I’ve heard nurses make the worst patients and now I see why. Trying to get this girl to relax is like trying to herd kittens.

“We’re going out later,” I remind her. Jax and Aly are having everyone over for dinner tonight. Gabby thinks it’s a housewarming party, but that’s just a ruse.

“That’s still hours away.” She pouts.

“I’ll tell you what. I might have something to keep you occupied until then, but you need to go back to bed.”

Gabby gives me a look and I realize it sounds like I’m propositioning her for sex.