Page 43 of Counting the Stars

“Aly’s been keeping her busy.” Jax’s dark gray eyes seem to lighten at the mere mention of his wife. “Turns out Gabby hasa talent for decorating. In her off time, she helped Aly finish up the nursery, and now their next project is organizing the kitchen.”

“That’s great!” I’m relieved at Jax’s news. “I was worried she might slip into a funk after everything.”

“So was Aly,” Jax agrees. “She’s familiar with the signs of anxiety and depression, so she took it upon herself to help Gabby channel her nervous energy into something positive.” He uses air quotes on the last part. “Or…you know, some shit like that. I saw them together the other day at the house and it looked like they were having fun. They were discussing different shades of white, so I got the hell out of there.”

“Isn’t white just white?” Carter furrows his brows.

“Oh no.” Jax smirks. “Apparently, there’s ivory, eggshell, antique, and cornsilk.”

“What’s the difference?” I ask with genuine curiosity.

“There is no difference!” Jax waves his tatted arm. “I got in trouble for saying that, so if any of the girls mention weird-ass colors to you, just go with it. Trust me on this—you don’t want a lecture.”

“Wow. I never thought I’d see the day you’d be doling out relationship advice.” Carter chuckles.

“Speaking of relationships.” I look at my two friends. “I told Gabby that I’d back off on pushing her into anything, but these last few days without her have been driving me crazy. Do you think it would be too much to ask her to dinner?”

“Doesn’t sound like too much to me.” Jax shrugs.

“As long as you don’t propose to her over appetizers, I think you should be fine.” Carter rubs his chin. “It’s not unusual for you two to grab something to eat. Just keep things casual.”

“Yeah, I learned my lesson about the proposals.” I look down at my feet. “Everything is different now.”

“Are you having second thoughts about being with her?” Carter asks.

“It’s not that.” I shake my head. “My feelings for her are stronger than ever. But now I’m worried that I’ll screw things up or say the wrong things. I don’t want to scare her off.”

“Oh, you’ll definitely say the wrong things.” Jax snorts.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“Just speaking from experience.” Jax stands and grabs a water bottle nearby. “The other day, I told Aly to rest cause her ankles looked big.”

“Ouch.” Carter winces.

“Yeah, stupid choice of words.” Jax points the water bottle at me. “Thankfully, your girl was with us. She agreed with me and got Aly to elevate her legs and drink some water. The swelling went right down.”

My girl,I repeat Jax’s words in my head. I can’t believe that after over a year and a half, my dreams might actually come to fruition.

“I’m happy Gabby was there,” Jax continues. “It’s nice having a medical professional living right across the hall.”

“Don’t forget about me,” I pipe up. “I know things too.” I may not have as much experience as Gabby, but I’m pretty knowledgeable with the basics.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want you touching Aly.”

“Understandable.” I can’t blame him there.

Jax’s phone pings and he scrambles to grab it out of his gym shorts. “Yes!” He pumps a fist in the air. “Aly said she’s done working and I can come back now. Time to make good on that backrub.” He nearly trips over his own feet as he barrels out of the gym without so much as a goodbye.

“Lucky sonofabitch,” Carter, my uncharacteristically quiet roommate, mutters under his breath.

“You okay, buddy?”

“Yeah.” Carter scrubs a hand over his face. “I just really need some sleep.” He stands and heads out the door looking like his little league team just lost the world championship game.

I can’t help but wonder what’s going on with my roommate, but I know I won’t be able to get anything out of him if he’s exhausted. Instead, I pull out my phone and fire off a text to see what Gabby is up to.