“But you’remycousins!” I argue.

“And she’soursister!” Mia and Lyndsey say in unison.

“God, that sounds so wrong.” I wipe my hand over my face as everyone in the venue begins to laugh. I look over at the Justiceof the Peace, who appears to be trying to keep a straight face. “It’s, umm…it’s not what you think. We’re not actually related.”

“I’ve been informed.” He chuckles.

“No worries, man!” A voice I didn’t expect pipes up from the crowd.DuckingJacob. “I’ll sit over on the groom’s side.” He saunters over and takes a seat behind my parents.

“I thought you couldn’t make it,” I groan.

“I told Aly to tell you that so it’d be a surprise. Surprise!” He does jazz hands and gives me a sarcastic smirk. Soft giggles come from nearly every female in the building, earning them dirty looks from their husbands.

The Justice of the Peace lightly taps me on the shoulder. “I was just told the rest of the wedding party is in place. Are you ready?”

“Of course!” I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. Even though we’re already married, it feels more real with everyone we love here to witness our vows.

We kept everything simple. All the men are wearing jeans and button-down shirts. The girls are in sundresses of various pastel colors. I’m not sure what Aly is wearing, since she refused to let me see the dress, but I know it’s not a formal, frilly wedding dress—that wouldn’t be her style anyway. I also know that no matter what, she will be the most beautiful woman in the room.

Soft music starts to play, and everyone lets out a collective “aw” when Gus, dressed in his own custom-made tux, happily hobbles down the aisle, tail wagging to and fro. Travis, my best man, walks Jess, Aly’s maid of honor, down the aisle. I’m proud of Travis. He has become a lot more social lately and I know it’s due to Aly’s welcoming nature. He and Jess are going to be the godparents of our son. You should’ve seen Travis’s face when we asked him; I’d never seen him smile so proudly.

Carter and Michelle are next down the aisle, followed by Alex and Gabby. The soft music changes and everyone stands to look at Aly on the arm of Uncle Chris. She looks like an angel in anoff-white halter top sundress. Her hair is in long waves and she’s carrying a bouquet of daisies. Uncle Chris is one proud papa as he walks his daughter down the aisle.

When they reach the end of the aisle, Uncle Chris whispers something to Aly and gives her a quick kiss on her cheek. He winks at me as he returns to his seat, and I swear I see him wipe a tear from his eye.

I turn to face my beautiful bride, who hands over her bouquet to Jess.

“Hi!” Aly says happily when she looks back at me. I’m not sure what the etiquette is for a bride and groom up at the altar, but I don’t think it’s casual conversation.

“Hi!” I respond. “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” I stand back in awe that this woman is my wife.

“Thank you, and look…” She taps the side of her dress. “It has pockets!”

“How’s Bean?” Bean is the name we gave the baby before we knew we were having a boy. He no longer looks like a bean on the ultrasound now, but it stuck. His real name is Jaxon Steven Parker Junior and we will call him JJ for short.

“Great! Probably still on a sugar high from all the festivities last night.”

Instead of a traditional bachelorette party, Aly had a good old-fashioned sleepover at Michelle’s, complete with movies, pedicures, and junk food. No males were invited, but I’m pretty sure Alex attempted to sneak in a time or two. I didn’t bother with any type of bachelor party; those days are behind me now.

Someone clears their throat and I realize the Justice of the Peace and everyone else is waiting for us to get started. Aly and I exchange knowing looks and say we’re ready. We go about the ceremony, placing our wedding bands that we temporarily took off back on our hands during the ring exchange.

Aly looks out into the crowd. Tears well up in her eyes.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” I wonder if her morning sickness is flaring up again.

“I just realized that everyone I love is here in some sort of way.” She looks down at our hands with our wedding bands that not only symbolize our marriage, but Gram and Pop’s blessed union as well.

Later that evening, we dance to our first song. The lyrics talk about how two people finally meet after traveling through life alone. It came on the radio one day while I was working on our house and I knew the song summed up our story perfectly.

I look down at Aly, who is looking up at me with stars in her eyes. “What is going on in that head of yours?”

“My life plan.”

“Your what?”

“My life plan. I kind of abandoned it for a while because things got messy. Now, I’m checking my goals off at rapid speed.”

“Oh yeah? What have you checked off so far?” I twirl her around on the dance floor.