“Tell me she showed you how to make sweet potato casserole. Tell me she showed you how.” I start shaking her hips, and we’re both laughing now.
“Yeah, she showed me that one too.”
I jump up and start twirling her around. “Do you know what this means?”
“Should I?”
“Those were all my favorite foods that Gram made! Except for the sweet potato casserole—that’s everyone’s favorite.”
Aly pauses. Silence falls between us, then she gasps once everything sinks in. “You mean to tell me that while you were out sowing your teenage oats, I was learning how to cookyourfavorite foods?”
“Yes!” I laugh.
“That little conniving grandmother of yours. She was freaking grooming me for you the whole time!”
I throw my head back in laughter, then grab her and pull her into a hug. “You know this means you need to make everything for me.”
“You know this means you better be on your best behavior or you’re not getting anything.”
I kiss her like never before. This woman is my life and I can’t wait to marry her.
“Is the blindfold really necessary? It looks like you’re kidnapping me,” Aly says from the passenger seat of my truck.
“My windows are tinted. No one will notice,” I assure her.
“Great! So no one can help if you’re really trying to kill me. Just know, if you are taking me someplace to do this, I’ll—”
“Haunt me, I know.”
“Just making sure you are aware of the consequences.” She crosses her arms matter-of-factly. “Are we there yet?”
“You’re worse than a little kid.”
“Am not!” She pouts.
I pull into the turnout for Portside Beach, grateful that the weather today isn’t too blistering cold. I could’ve done this anywhere, but I felt the need to go back to the place where I started opening my heart up to Aly.
“Wait here!” I hop out of my truck and run around to the passenger side. Up ahead, I can see that Carter and Travis carried out their jobs impeccably.
“Can I take this off now?” Aly says once I lift her out of the truck. She sniffs the saltwater air. “We’re at the beach? Oh, God!You’re going to throw me in with the fish poop again! Is this because I messed with your playlist?”
“That was you?! I thought Travis was the one who switched it all to yodeling.”
“Damn! I could’ve gotten away with that.” She stomps her foot.
“Screwed yourself on that one.” I pull her in for a hug and kiss the top of her head. It’s funny how Aly’s little antics used to agitate me. Thinking back, I realize it was probably misplaced anger. Now, I find her little pranks adorable.
“Keep the blindfold on and hold my hand,” I direct her. She follows without protest. We walk towards the large flat rock where we sat just a few months ago when we were getting to know each other. This time, I came prepared. There is a large blanket surrounded by battery-operated candles (I knew the wind would kill any regular ones), a bouquet of daisies (her favorites), a thermos of coffee, and a picnic basket full of fresh scones courtesy of Michelle.
I take in the scene, thankful for the friends I never knew I needed. I tap the pocket of my coat for the millionth time, making sure the ring hasn’t magically grown legs and jumped into the ocean.
I reach around Aly and untie the blindfold. She blinks a few times, adjusting to the light, and looks around curiously.
“This is the place where I first opened up to you and I figured this would be the perfect place to do it again.” I motion for her to sit on the blanket and take her hands in mine. “First, I’m so sorry you missed seeing Gram again by such a short time. I know she would’ve loved to see you, but she knew you were on the way.”
“Umm…” Aly looks utterly confused.