“My brother is dating his cousin!” Emma shouts. My parents and Grant burst out laughing.
“This isn’t funny, guys.” I cross my arms over my chest, earning more laughs from my family. Aly, Aunt Maria, and Uncle Chris are too deep in conversation to notice.
Everyone talks and coos over the babies until Emma and the twins fall into a peaceful sleep. My aunt and uncle take Aly out to a restaurant to catch up on the last fifteen years. They offered me to come, but I know Aly needs this alone time with them.
Grant and I head down to the hospital cafeteria for some coffee. It’s the first time the two of us have had any time to speak alone in what feels like forever.
“I can’t believe you’re a dad now.” I open up a sugar packet and pour it into my paper cup.
“It’s crazy! Last night, it was just the two of us and today, we’re a family of four.”
“I’m happy for you,” I say genuinely. “The girls are gorgeous, and Emma seems to be on cloud nine.”
“Yeah, I know we’re kind of in the honeymoon phase with everyone around to help. It’s gonna be tough when it’s just the two of us trying to take care of two babies.”
“It will be, but I know you’ll get through it. Aly and I can babysit, and remember, my parents are just a few blocks awayto help.” Grant is originally from the Midwest. His parents are planning to come out and visit in about a week.
“Okay, enough about me. How are things going with Aly?” Grant asks.
“Good! Great even.”
“I like her. She seems good for you.” Grant takes a sip of his coffee.
“She’stoogood for me.”
“You think you want to make things permanent with her?”
“I’d marry her right now in this cafeteria, but she’s not ready.” I concentrate on stirring my coffee.
“You don’t think so?”
“I think she’s overwhelmed with all the changes. You know the university asked her to come on permanently?”
“No shit! That’s awesome, man.”
“Yeah, and she loves the job, but that means she has to decide what to do with her home and stuff in storage in Georgia. Then we discovered the connection to my family…” I trail off.
“Now that shit is wild! She’s known your family since she was what? Thirteen or something like that?”
“Twelve,” I correct him.
Grant lets out a low whistle.
“I’m glad she went out to dinner with my aunt and uncle. I think she needs this time alone with them. I know she has a lot of questions, and hopefully, this visit will give her some clarity.”
“Man, I never thought I’d see the day. Aly must be really special.” Grant shakes his head.
“What do you mean?”
“In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you so concerned about a woman’s feelings.”
“True,” I agree. “But I’ve never met a woman like Aly before.”
I sit at the restaurant table across from Mamma Maria and Papa Chris, not entirely convinced that this isn’t just some crazy dream.