
It’s been a few weeks since Aly and I dove headfirst into this relationship of ours, and I have never been happier. Since the first night we were together, Aly has fallen asleep and woken up in my arms. She’s kept most of her things in her room at Michelle’s, stating that she feels it would be too soon to move in with me. I’ve reminded her that she did live with me (though not in my room), but I understand what she means and I don’t want to push it. I’ll take what I can get, and right now, I’m loving life.

No one was surprised when we told our 3rdEast group that we were together, though I’m sure it tipped Michelle and Gabby off when Aly didn’t return to her room that night. Alex high-fived me for hooking up with Legs and Carter warned me to take good care of her. Travis, of course, saidI told you so. I think hewas the happiest of everyone. It still amazes me how quickly he’s warmed up to Aly.

“I wish you could come for Thanksgiving,” I say as we lie in bed together. Her head rests on my chest and her hand lazily traces the lines of the tattoos on my arm. Our nightly talks have become something I look forward to the most. No matter what the day has in store for me, I know that when I get home, Aly will be there.

“I know, but I already made a commitment to Michelle and that was way before anything happened between us.”

Michelle asked Aly to go to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner just about a month after she moved in and about four months before the actual event. Michelle had explained that being around her family for more than five minutes stressed her out. I don’t know much about her, but I know she comes from a family of bigwig lawyers in Northern California and they love their high-status lifestyle.

“Our flight is already booked,” Aly continues. “She even bought me a whole new wardrobe, which is insane. I mean, the shoes alone cost more than my car payment. We’ll only be gone for three days, but she insists I need to look the part.”

“That’s kind of a lot. Are you sure you’ll be able to handle it?”

“Oh yeah. I mean, it won’t be my first time thrown into a room of people who think they’re better than everyone else. Michelle has been such a great roommate and she insists having me there will help keep her calm. I’m basically going as her emotional support person.”

“I still don’t know why she couldn’t bring Carter,” I mumble. I know Michelle and Aly have become good friends, but Carter would seem like the logical choice. Plus, I really want Aly to meet my family. I haven’t told them about her yet. It’s not something I wanted to discuss over the phone, and since my family hasan open-door policy when it comes to the holidays, I figured I would surprise them.

“Carter goes back to his hometown to help his mom with the cooking. Plus, he has younger siblings that I know he misses,” Aly reminds me, and I grimace. I’ve known Carter for about three years now and he is like a big kid from Thanksgiving through Christmas. The moment the clock strikes midnight on Thanksgiving, he transforms from regular surfer dude to festive surfer dude complete with a Santa hat and reindeer decorations for his Jeep.

“And you’ll be back on Saturday?”

“Flight leaves first thing in the morning.” She looks up at me and smiles. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

“Perfect. I don’t want to go the whole weekend without you.” Now that Aly is in my life, I can’t imagine life without her. Truth is, I’m falling in love with her.


Tonight, our 3rdEast crew decides to meet up at The Local for dinner. Everyone had a busy day today and no one is in the mood to cook. We pile into a large booth with Aly by my side. I put my arm around her shoulders and lean in to whisper in her ear. “Is something wrong, sweetheart? You look a little stressed.”

“I don’t know. It’s been a long day.” She shrugs. “The end of the semester is coming up, finals have uprooted the normal routine at work, and I’m worried about Michelle. She was really quiet on the ride over. I don’t think she did well on one of her exams, and I’m pretty sure she started drinking before we left.”

Aly and I drove separately since we both volunteered to be the designated drivers. I didn’t get a chance to see Michelle until now. She does look a bit worse for wear, but I feel like there’s something else that’s bothering Aly.

“You sure that’s it?” I ask.

“It’s probably nothing.” She picks up her menu.

I place my hand under her chin and tilt it towards me. “Tell me.”

She holds my gaze for a moment then lets out a hefty sigh. “Remember when I told you that when I was living in Georgia, I felt like I was being watched?” I suck in a breath and silently start scanning the room as she continues, “I had a weird feeling when I was walking towards the faculty parking lot this afternoon and then again when we walked in here. It’s probably just my nerves overreacting. Like I said, midterms have been stressful, and my anxiety is probably getting the best of me and making me overthink everything.”

“But it wasn’t your imagination. Youwerebeing followed.”

“I have no tangible proof.”

“Until someone threw a rock through your window.”

She winces. “Okay, yeah. You’re right, but I haven’t seen anyone watching me. It’s just a gut feeling right now.”

I motion for her to slide out of the booth and I do as well. I tell her to wait for me as I find Alex and tell him to be on the lookout for anyone who seems suspicious. I head over to the jukebox, select a few slow songs, and pull Aly onto the dance floor.

“I didn’t think you danced.” She wraps her arms around my neck.

“I don’t normally, but from here, we’ll be able to see if anyone is watching. Worst-case scenario, we find someone watching you and I’ll take care of it. Best-case scenario, no one is watching you and I get to keep you all to myself for a bit.” I pull her in towards my chest. Although I saw her this morning, it feels like a lifetime ago.

We sway to the music, and I subtly turn us every now and then to get a better look at our surroundings.