“Okay, seriously, Ems, what’s going on? I won’t say a word.”

“Remember when everyone was at the hospital, and we took turns talking to Gram? Well, when it was my turn, Gram told me that she had been seeing Pop, like he was visiting her.”

I nod. “Yeah, she said something similar to me. You know, it’s not uncommon for people who are dying to claim they see loved ones who have already passed.”

“Yeah, I know and honestly, it’s comforting to think she’s back with Pop.”

“Same, so what’s the big secret? It can’t be that.”

“She told me she was excited to hold her twin great-granddaughters.”

I give her a quizzical look.

“She told me I am going to have twin girls.”

“Okay, well, I mean that could happen. Especially once Grant is finally out. Twins do run in the family,” I say, referring to our cousins, Mia and Lyndsey.

Emma shakes her head and leans in closer to me. “That’s not what I’m saying. I mean, I don’t know. Ugh, this is so confusing. I’m just gonna say it. I’m pregnant, Jax.”

I suck in a deep breath. “You’re pregnant?”

She nods.

“Like right now?”

She nods again.


“Well, I don’t think you want to get into details, but remember last month when Grant came home on leave? I guess we weren’t as careful as we thought.”

“Oh my God, Ems, this is great news!” I hug her. I knew Emma and Grant wanted to start a family as soon as he was discharged from the Navy. He has less than a year to go before he will be home for good. "Wait—does Grant know?”

“Grant and you are the only two people who know. And, well, I guess Gram too. That’s the thing. I didn’t even know I was pregnant when Gram told me. I just found out.”

“Wow, okay, so Gram might’ve had some intuition thing going on. Is it twins?”

“My doctor said she will do an ultrasound when I’m eight weeks along and I’m only six weeks right now. I don’t know, but I feel like Gram was right. I’m just so worried Grant might miss everything! I mean, we both wanted to start a family right away, but ideally, it would be when he is home for good.”

I pull her into another hug and kiss the top of her head. “I know, Ems, but this will all work out. It will be hard, but Grant will be given paternity leave, and before you know it, he will be out.”

“You think so?” She looks up with tears in her eyes.

“Of course! You and Grant are going to be awesome parents! Mom and Dad are going to freak out when they learn they’re going to finally be grandparents.” I know Mom has been a little jealous over the amount of grandchildren Uncle Chris and Aunt Maria have. I can’t help but feel a bit guilty not giving my parents any grandkids. Had my life gone differently, I probably would’ve had at least one child by now.

“Thanks.” She sniffles. “You can’t say anything about this just yet. I didn’t want to bring this up when the focus should be on Gram. I’ll tell them once everything settles down.”

“I understand. Your secret is safe with me.”

“I know it is. Now tell me, what else did Gram say? I have a feeling you’re not telling me everything.”

I lean my head back against the brick wall, choosing my words wisely. “I’ll tell you what,” I say, coming up with an idea. “I really don’t believe much of what Gram told me, but if you are, in fact, having twins, I will tell you.”

“So, you mean I have to wait until my ultrasound to find out what Gram told you?”

“Only if it’s confirmed twins. I don’t think she was in her right frame of mind before she passed. I really wouldn’t put too much stock into what she said.”

“Fine!” Emma huffs. “But I’m sure she was right and youwilltell me!” She pokes a finger in my chest.