“No, wait! Aly’s a real catch. She’s a little broken right now, but I’m working on it.”
“Goodbye, Jess.” I hit a button on my phone and shove it in my purse. I look up at Jax, who has an amused look on his face.
“Sorry about that, I—”
“She thinks no one will want her because—” Jess’s voice booms from my purse.
“Oh my God!” I fumble with my purse, grab my phone, cover the speaker with my finger, and shut down my phone completely. I know my face must be fifty shades of crimson right now.
“That was entertaining,” Jax says as we reach our floor and stand near our respective doors.
“Yeah…umm…I gotta go and uh…th-threaten someone’s life right now,” I stammer and practically throw myself into the condo, thankful that the door is unlocked.
Fortunately, no more embarrassing situations took place with Jax, and the next few days went by as usual.
This morning I was craving Nonna Grace’s infamous oatmeal walnut chocolate chip cookies and decided to throw a batch together. While Nonna Grace taught me several of her recipes, these cookies are by far my favorites. As I take a few and place them on a plate for later, I hear Alex’s voice.
“Mmm, Peanut, these are probably the best cookies you’ve ever made,” he moans.
“Gee, thanks!” Michelle responds sarcastically.
“Uh-oh! What did I do now?”
“I made them,” I inform him. “And thank you for the compliment. I know my baking can’t hold a candle to Michelle’s.”
Michelle may be the resident baker of our place, but I had to have Nonna Grace’s cookies. Jess and I used to both crave them during our menstrual cycles and would devour a few batches at a time. Jacob eventually learned to make himself scarce whenever he smelled them baking.
I made extra because I knew the guys were coming over for dinner. Well, Alex and Carter, at least. Jax is still a wild card.
“Did I say these were the best cookies you’ve ever made? I meant to say the worst! Absolutely disgusting, horrid! Bleh! Please don’t stop baking for me,” Alex pleads.
“First of all, I bake for everyone, and second of all, I tried the cookies and they are pretty scrumptious, so I will give you a pass on this one, Alex.” Michelle gives him a little side hug. “Now, quit eating them before you have your dinner.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Did you make dinner also, Aly?” Carter asks as I wipe my hands on a kitchen towel.
“No, just the cookies. I spent the rest of the afternoon grading papers. Gabby handled dinner today.” I look over to see Alex doing a little dance.
“It’s not empanadas, Alex. Just some baked chicken and veggies,” Gabby says as she puts a large platter down on the table.
“Baby girl, I will happily eat whatever you’re willing to make for me.” I know Gabby is about to give him some sarcastic remark, but before she can open her mouth, the door creaks open and in walks Jax.
“Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” Alex chides. “I’m telling you right now, I am claiming any leftovers and I’m taking the cookies with me too.”
“Did I miss something?” Jax asks, taking his usual seat.
“Just Alex fawning over Gabby’s cooking and Aly’s baking,” Michelle teases.
“Seriously, guys, how lucky are we to live next to three beautiful ladies who all know how to cook and are willing to share their talents with our sorry asses.”
“Wow, you’re really laying it on thick today,” Gabby remarks.
“You know what’s also th—” Carter smacks the back of Alex’s head, preventing Alex from saying something about the size of his penis.
“Thank you, Carter,” Michelle says.
Dinner goes smoothly. The guys clean up as usual and head back to their homes. I walk into the kitchen to grab a cookie or two but only discover crumbs.