“Ah, yes. You are always thinking of her safety. Like when you told that guy in the bar she was a lesbian? Jacob is her best friend’s brother and they were all roommates at some point. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t have willingly gone to a hotel with him if she didn’t feel safe. Give her some credit.”

I want to, but I can’t. It kills me to think of what she’s doing with that asshole right now.



“I am so loving this!” I say between mouthfuls of ice cream. We’re hanging out in Jacob’s hotel suite, recreating a trip that he, Jess, and I all took to Orlando. It was after Jacob got his first big paycheck from a modeling job. He decided we should take a weekend trip to Disney World. Unfortunately, there was a tropical storm that weekend and the parks closed. We ended up ordering everything from the hotel’s room service menu and binge-watching classic eighties movies. It was one of the best weekends ever.

“So, tell me how you’re doing? You know I need a full report to turn in to my sister by the end of this trip.”

“I’m good.” I take a huge bite of a chocolate chip cookie. So far, we have pigged out on wings, potato skins, nachos, pot stickers, sliders, and some sort of macaroni and cheese dish. We are nowgetting into the dessert portion of our feast, which includes two different types of pie, brownies, and a cookie platter.

“You look good,” Jacob agrees. “Last time I saw you, you were so stressed. Now you seem a lot more relaxed. Calmer.”

“I am calmer. I never thought I’d like living on the West Coast, but it’s really starting to grow on me. Plus, it’s a lot more peaceful knowing I don’t have to deal with Trent’s bullshit every day.”

“Look, about that.” Jacob runs a hand through his hair. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t help you more.”

“Jacob, it wasn’t your battle to fight! Besides, you opened up your home to me when I didn’t feel safe in my own.”

I stayed in Jacob’s bachelor pad during my last few months in Beaute. I adored my little cottage, but after several incidents, I didn’t feel safe there anymore. My home was a bit isolated as it was on a dead-end street. Jacob’s apartment building always had people bustling in and out. Even though his place only had one bedroom, he was rarely ever home and he graciously took the couch whenever he was in town.

“Yeah, but I wish I had been around to support you more. Jess was already living in Maine and I was barely around with work. You were basically alone. I still want to kick that mother ducker’s ass.”

“And if you kicked his ass or even came anywhere near him, he would have hadyourass thrown in jail with the snap of a finger. It would have ruined your life. Also, you’re still on theduckkick?” I laugh. Jess and I like to joke that Jacob’s phone has the personality of a nun; everything autocorrects, whether he likes it or not.

“He still deserves a good ass kicking.” Jacob pounds his fist into his palm. “And yes, I’ve finally stopped fighting autocorrect and have chosen to embrace theduck.”

“Well, I’m sure one day someone will see his true colors and he will get his ass kicked.”

“I wish I could’ve seen his true colors earlier in your relationship,” Jacob says; remorse fills his voice.

“You?” I snort. “I wishIhad seen his true colors before I even started dating him!” Sadly, Trent was sweet and caring at first, though it didn’t last much longer after we were engaged. I now realize that I was so desperate to find love that I went into the relationship with blinders on.

“Let’s not bring this night down with talking about him. Tell me about your life here. Your roommates seem nice, but who was that G.I. Joe-looking guy who was shooting daggers at me?”

“That’s Jax! He’s harmless… I think. Apparently, he’s supposed to be super growly and private, but he talks to me just fine…well, sometimes. Other times he just ignores me. It’s complicated, and for the record, he was a sailor, not a soldier.”

“Well, for the record, the guy wants to jump your bones.”

“Jacob!” I smack his arm.

“I’m serious! I know that look. Hell, I’ve given that look. That is the look of a man who wants to do the horizontal tango, shake some sheets, go spelunking in the bat cave, slam the cla—”

“Are you googling euphemisms for sex?”

Jacob puts his phone down with a cheesy grin. “Figured I’d try to change things up a bit, but seriously, have you been out of the dating game for so long that you can’t tell when a guy is interested in you? Does he know?”

“Does he know that I’m used goods? That I’m a runaway bride? No, I don’t exactly advertise that.” My heart begins to race. I hate talking about what happened with Trent. Who would want me after finding out that I couldn’t go through with a commitment to get married? Granted, he pulled a complete one-eighty and wasn’t the man I originally agreed to marry, but in some way, I still feel like I failed at life.

“You are not used goods and you are not a runaway bride! That’s just Trent and his ducking fan club trying to break your spirit. You are stronger than that, Aly.”

“You really believe that?” I say, starting to feel a bit choked up.

“I absolutely do. Now, come on.” Jacob starts placing our food on the room service tray. "We both need to get our beauty sleep and I cannot keep eating like this. I have an early morning flight and you need to go to the beach tomorrow and show G.I. Joe what he’s missing out on.”

I jump up and throw my arms around Jacob’s shoulders. “I love you, you know.”