Aly shakes her head. “I can’t even imagine. She said I would like the package better than she would. Weird, right?”

The pizza arrives a few minutes later and we all settle down at the table to eat. Everyone falls into conversations about their day, work, and other normal stuff. Aly seems quieter than usual. She keeps checking her phone and I’m sure it’s because of Jess’s text.

Shortly after six thirty, someone knocks on the door.

“I’ll get it!” Alex jumps up. He’s the closest to the door anyway.

“I guess this is my surprise.” Aly shrugs at me, but when she turns to face the door, her eyes light up in pure amazement. She covers her mouth with her hand and I hear a muffled, “Oh my God!” She gets up and runs full speed towards the door.

I turn just in time to see a life-sized Ken doll slightly towering over Alex. He looks cocky as hell with his styled blond hair and expensive-looking clothes. His green eyes focus solely on Aly as he leans into the frame of the door and gives a “Hey, darlin’” in a heavy Southern drawl.

Aly squeals and leaps into this asshole’s arms. He scoops her up, spins her around, and kisses her on her cheek.

“Jacob! Oh my God! What are you doing here?”

“I have a photo shoot in LA this weekend. I know it’s kinda far, but I couldn’t be on the same coast without checking up on you.” He gives her a squeeze.

My jaw tightens and my hands clench into fists under the table. He is way too comfortable touching her.

“Everyone, this is Jacob,” Aly gushes as she turns towards all of us sitting at the table. He keeps a hand casually wrapped around her waist and she has her hand on his chest.

“Jacob as in your friend Jess’s brother?” Michelle asks.

“Yup!” Aly replies.

“We’re twins actually, but I got all the good looks.” He winks.

“Behave!” Aly playfully smacks him.

“Oh great, just what we need around here, another Alex.” Michelle rolls her eyes.

“Easy, tiger,” I hear Alex whisper and I honestly don’t know if he’s talking to me or trying to calm himself down.

“Jacob, there’s something about you that looks familiar, and I can’t place it,” Gabby pipes up.

“You’ve probably seen my pictures around. I’m a model,” he confirms.

“Of course he is,” Alex mutters under his breath. It’s so odd to see him agitated. Carter just sits quietly, picking at his pizza.

“What do you model?” one of the girls asks. I’m barely paying attention at this point because all I can hear is my heart beating in my ears.

“Underwear and swimwear mostly, basically anything with my shirt off.” He shrugs likes it’s no big deal. Like it’s so normal to work shirtless. Okay, I may be known to take my shirt off while working in the heat, but it’s not so people can admire me.

“Oh, wait! I know where you’ve seen him!” Aly leans into Jacob’s ear and whispers something. He smiles smugly, turns to the side, and lifts his shirt.

“Fuck my life!” Alex throws his head back and groans. I know exactly what he’s thinking. Alex, Carter, and I are all athletic. We all sport some muscle and six-packs, but this guy is ripped beyond compare. It’s like we went to Walmart and got the standard six-pack while this guy went to Costco and got the economy size.

“Eeeeeekkk! You’re on the cover of the book I’ve been reading!” Gabby starts jumping up and down like a freaking fangirl and then runs into her room to presumably get said book.

“Every now and then I get asked to pose for a romance novel,” he says, though no one asked.

“It’s hard to go out in public without him being recognized or have people hit on him. And when I say people, I mean men, women, old, young—you name it, he attracts it,” Aly states matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, it’s even harder to go out now that I lost my exterminator.”

“Your exterminator?” Michelle asks. Gabby comes out with her book and asks Jacob to sign it.

“That would be me.” Aly raises her hand.