“That’s what one of the volunteers at the shelter told me.”

We hang out a little longer at the house. Travis and I give Aly a tour. We show her before and after pictures of houses we’ve previously renovated. Turns out, she’s really into it. Apparently, some of her favorite television shows are the home renovation type. She asks a lot of questions, and Travis and I take turns answering her. I’m surprised at how comfortable Travis is around Aly. It usually takes him a lot longer to warm up to people.

“This looks like the kitchen of my dreams,” Aly gushes. “I’ve never seen cabinets like this.” She gently brushes her hand over the door of the craftsman pantry.

“That’s because they’re one of a kind.” Travis puffs out his chest with pride. “Custom-made by yours truly.” I leave most of the woodworking to him; he’s got one hell of a skill.

“You’re very talented.”

“Ah, it’s not a big deal.” Travis’s cheeks pinken. He’s not used to getting compliments and you can see that Aly is being genuine.

“It is a big deal!” She scrolls through the tablet that displays our before and after pictures. “You’ve taken something so broken and made it beautiful again. Well, except for that weird mirror room, but judging from the rooms already completed, I know it will be amazing.”

We finish talking with Travis, and I lead Aly back to my truck. Remembering I needed to pick up some paperwork, I tell her I’ll be right back and run back into the house where Travis is leaning against the refrigerator with a smug look on his face.


“You’ve never brought a woman to a job site.” Travis smirks.

“Yes, I have,” I say in defense.

“Your mom and sister don’t count, asshole.” He walks around to give me a clap on the back. “I like her. I think she’s good for you.”

“Oh, no! That isnothappening. We just happened to run into each other over at Molly’s and I offered to show her what I do.”

“That’s it?” Travis cocks his head to the side and crosses his arms over his chest.

“That’s it.”

“Cool, so you’re good if I ask her out?”

“No!” I snap and flinch at my harshness. I feel like a complete jackass. Travis hasn’t been with a girl since we were injured. He’sconvinced that no woman will be able to look past his injuries. It’s going to take a special woman to not only look past his physical injuries but emotional wounds as well. Travis acts like he’s assimilated back into civilian life, but I know he still has demons that haunt him. “I’m sorry, man… I just… What I meant to say—”

The sound of laughter cuts me off. “I’m just messing with you! I figured that would get a rise out of you.”

“I’m not interested in her!” I snap back.

“Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that.”

I roll my eyes and head towards the door. Travis begins humming a tune that sounds very similar to “Here Comes the Bride.” Without looking back at him, I raise one finger over my head and slam the front door shut.

“Everything okay? You look a little flustered,” Aly says as I slide into the driver’s seat.

“Yup, all good. Just Travis trying to mess with me.” I fumble with my keys before I find the right one and start the ignition.

“Travis seems nice.”

“He’s one of the best people I know. Thank you for not saying anything about his scars or leg.”

“Why would I say anything? That would be rude. I mean, I think it’s human nature to wonder how something happened, but it’s none of my business.”

Her response makes me like her even more. “You’d be surprised what he has to deal with when he goes out in public.”

“I can’t even imagine.” Her shoulders slump a bit. “He said he served with you.”

“He did. That’s how we met. We were the only two in our squadron from Oregon, so we kind of bonded over that.”

Aly nods and looks out the window. “Thank you for showing me what you do.”