“How did you even know about that?” The answer pops into my head as soon as the words leave my lips.

“Alex,” we both say in unison.

“In his defense, I overheard him telling Carter.” She shrugs and looks out the window.

“No one has ever pulled anything like that on me before.”

“Well, maybe it’s about time someone gave you a taste of your own medicine,” she says with a smug look. And I like it. I like her spunk. She gives as good as she gets.

This girl is nothing like what I’m used to. I typically get one of two reactions from women. They either find my hard looks intimidating and pretend I don’t exist, or they throw themselves at me because they know I’m only looking for a quick lay. There is the exception of Michelle and Gabby. But I’m pretty sure they never would’ve talked to me had they not seen me hanging out with Carter and Alex.

“You never told me where we’re going,” she continues.

Shit. She has me so distracted that I still haven’t come up with an idea. I open my mouth to say something, but then I hear a rumbling noise and see Aly put her hands on her stomach.

“Did your stomach just growl?”

“Maybe…” she responds.

“You’re still hungry?” I notice Aly isn’t shy when it comes to food. Which is another thing I like about her. I hate when women eat like birds.

“I was full from dinner, but I had been mentally preparing myself for all the food Gabby wanted me to try at The Local.”

“You didn’t eat anything there?”

“Uh, I was kinda preoccupied and then someone insisted I go with him…wherever.” She waves her hand around in the air.

“Okay, fine. I know where I’ll take you.” I turn Carter’s Jeep around. A quick two-minute drive later, we pull up to what looks like a little hole-in-the-wall. Aly reads the hand-painted wooden sign above the building that looks no bigger than a shack.

“Whips?” she asks with an amused tone to her voice.

“Gabby and Michelle haven’t told you about this place?”

“Uh, no. I think I would remember a name like that.” She jumps out of the Jeep, and her eyes immediately focus on the large menu attached to the outside walls. Whips is actually a place to get ice cream. They have your typical flavors, but their claim-to-fame is their flavored whipped cream, of which they give generous portions. You tend to get more whipped cream than ice cream. No one complains. It’s delicious.

Their shack/hut/stand/whatever you want to call it sits right on the outskirts of the beach, making it a great place to grab some ice cream and take a walk on the sand or sit at one of their picnic tables nearby. It used to only be open during the summer, but a petition went around a few years ago to keep the place open year-round. Now, people just sit in their cars during the winter months and enjoy their frozen desserts with the heat running.

“My favorite is a scoop of coffee ice cream with salted caramel whipped cream,” I offer and realize I’ve never freely given such random information about myself. I prefer to stay a closed book.

“That does sound good,” she says, still reading the menu. “But I think I’d like to try the chocolate ice cream with peanut butter whipped cream.”

I take out my wallet and head for the counter.

“Wait!” Aly calls. “I can pay.”

“I got this.” I shake my head. “After all, I did pull you away from the bar food.” I look her up and down. “Didn’t you have a purse?”

“It’s probably back at The Local.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I’m sure Gabby or Michelle will grab it. Besides, all my important stuff is in my pockets.” She pats the sides of her denim skirt. I can’t imagine anything fitting in there, but she proves me wrong as she starts pulling random things out of her pockets like she’s Mary Poppins.

“How did you pack all of that in there?”

“Habit of a teacher,” she answers nonchalantly. She takes a hair tie out of her back pocket and puts her hair up into some sort of bun.

We place our order, receive our ice cream, and decide to take a walk on the beach.

“Is this where Carter took you the other day to see the ocean?” I ask as we walk along the coast.

“Hmm, no. It must’ve been down farther because I definitely would’ve remembered seeing this place.” She points her spoon towards the back of Whips. “How did you know he took me to see the ocean?”