“I don’t think so.” I look around the bar. “I’m going to use the bathroom. I’ll meet you over there.”
As I make my way through the crowd, I can’t help but get the feeling someone is watching me—but in a good kind of way.
Taking a sip of my beer, I train my eyes on Aly playing darts with Gabby and two guys who seem too cocky for their own good. The taller one keeps trying to show Aly how to aim just right. He lightly touches her arm and something deep within me begins to churn. I don’t know what to think about Aly, but I know I don’t like seeing someone else interested in her.
The shorter of the two breaks away from the group and makes his way over to where I’m sitting at the bar. I lean over into his space. “I hope you’re not planning on getting some action with either of those two tonight,” I tilt my head in the direction of Aly and Gabby.
“Now, that’s none of your business, is it?” he responds with an Irish lilt.
“Look, I’m just trying to help a brother out.” I feign innocence. “Those girls live in my building. We’re neighbors. All I’m saying is if you’re planning on taking them home tonight, you’re shit out of luck.”
“And why is that?” Smiley O’ Jackass asks.
“They’re girlfriends.”
“I can see that.” He rolls his eyes while trying to get the bartender’s attention.
“No, I mean they’re girlfriends—you know, lovers?”
Cocky McTightpants looks at the girls and then back at me. “You can’t be serious!”
“I am serious. They don’t like to put it out there, but I’m telling you. Those two are in love. Aly, the taller one, just moved in with Gabby about a month ago.”
“She did say she just moved here from—”
“Georgia, I know. Apparently, they met on some sort of dating app and fell in love. Aly left everything behind to come out here so they can be together.” We both look over at the girls. Gabby hits a bull’s-eye, and the girls hug each other and squeal with delight. They’re playing right into my spiel and don’t even know it.
“Huh, thanks, man,” he says as he walks away.
“No problem.” I give him the fakest genuine-looking smile I can muster.
“You’re going to hell for that.” Alex chuckles and claps me on the shoulder. “I’m going to find Carter.”
Alex no sooner leaves his stool than a bleached-blond woman in a tight red dress comes up to me. “Is this seat taken?”
I want to tell her yes. I’m not interested in hooking up with anyone tonight. But then my eyes fall on Aly walking past the bar. Maybe it would be better to have a distraction or else I may be tempted to do something I shouldn’t.
“Dude, you just missed Jax epically cockblock the girls!” I hear Alex as I make my way out of the bathroom. I look around to see where his voice is coming from and notice the top of his head peeking out from the other side of the jukebox. I move my body closer and duck down a bit.
“What happened?” I hear Carter’s breathy voice.
“So, Gabby and Aly were playing darts with these two guys. They were looking all happy and shit, but then one of them went over to the bar to get a drink. That’s when Jax stops the guy and gives him this whole story on how Gabby and Aly are a lesbian couple.”
That’s why the guys took off so quickly! I had no intention of taking anything further with them and neither did Gabby, but I’m pissed that it wasn’t our call. Why would he do that? Did henot like us talking to other guys? I don’t think he has a thing for Gabby; it’s clear that Alex is head over heels for her, and I don’t think Jax would infringe upon whatever it is they have. Maybe it’s me…probably because I annoy him.
I look over at Jax sitting at the bar. A busty blonde moves onto the stool next to him and they strike up a conversation. I make my way over to them. Two can play at this game.
“Hey, honey!” I croon as soon as I reach Jax. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. His five o’clock shadow tickles my lips, and his scent is a mixture of his bodywash and chlorine. I pull back and remind myself not to get distracted and stick to the plan.
He turns to me with a stunned expression.