I get out of the pool and let Angry Butterfly Guy attack the water. I notice a green towel hanging near my pink one. I wrap my towel around my chest, and for shits and giggles, take the green towel and move it two pegs over to the left.
I take the elevator back to 3rdEast, disappointed my workout was cut short. The feeling wanes as soon I open the door to my new home and the sight of a muscular, half-naked figure sitting on the couch comes into view. His feet are propped up on the coffee table and he’s eating what looks to be a bowl of cereal.
“Sup.” The dark-haired, blue-eyed stranger tips his chin in my direction.
“Umm…hi. I’m Aly and you must be Carter, Alex, or Jax.” I step farther into the room. I’m quite proud of myself that I remembered all their names so quickly. I make sure to keep my eyes focused from the neck up. I’ve witnessed many a woman fawn over Jess’s brother, Jacob, and it’s not a look I ever want to have on my face.
Before he can reply, a groan comes from the hallway. “Alex! What are you doing here so early? And for heaven’s sake, put your clothes on!” Michelle pads down the hallway in a fluffy pink robe and matching slippers.
Alex stands up, revealing that he’s only wearing a pair of red plaid boxers. He flashes a playboy of a smile complete with dimples. This guy is good-looking, and he knows it too. “I just wanted to be the first to meet your new roommate.” He saunters over, grabs my hand, and places a kiss on the back of it.
“Is that the only reason you stopped by?” Michelle crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
“Well, that and I neededmilkfor my cereal.” He shrugs.
“Of course you did.” Michelle rolls her eyes.
Alex steps back and looks me up and down. “Damn, you’re tall.”
“You’re observant,” I reply sarcastically. I’m about five eight, but many people have told me I seem taller.
He leans in close to my ear and stage-whispers, “You do realize that you’re now living among the fun-sized, right?”
“I didn’t choose my living situation based on the height of my roommates,” I quip back.
Alex’s mouth spreads into a wide grin. “I like you. You’ve got spunk. I’m going to call you… Legs.”
“Wow, original,” I deadpan.
“Well, it’s official, Aly.” Michelle pours herself a cup of coffee. “Alex doesn’t give nicknames to just anyone.”
“That’s right, Peanut. Notice I never called your old roommate anything.”
“Carrie,” Michelle answers.
“Which should’ve been your first red flag!” Alex waves his arms. Michelle gives him a look of confusion. “Seriously, how have you not read Stephen King?”
“Because I prefer to sleep at night!” Michelle responds.
The door opens and a sleepy-looking surfer guy shuffles in with a bowl of cereal in his hand.
“Dude! We’re out ofmilkagain,” Surfer Guy looks at Alex, completely oblivious to me standing near him.
“Don’t look at me.” Alex puts both of his hands up in the air. “It was your turn to go to the grocery store. I just got off duty.”
“Then you could’ve picked up somemilk on your way home,” Surfer Guy replies.
Their casual banter reminds me of the times Jess, Jacob, and I all shared a place.
“Carter! Where are your manners! Say hello to our new roommate,” Michelle scolds.
Carter turns to see me standing off to the side. “Oops! Didn’t see you there!” A warm smile spreads across his face as he puts his hand out to shake mine. Carter looks like the beach bum boy next door. He’s long, lean, and probably muscular under the T-shirt he is wearing. His sandy hair is a little on the shaggy side and his blue-green eyes project a kind-hearted soul. Yup, I can see myself being friends with this guy.
“Nice to meet you,” I greet and look down at the bowl in his hand. “Are you eating Lucky Charms?”
“Not yet.” He gives a lopsided grin and looks over at Michelle, who grabs a carton ofmilkand passes it to him.
Michelle crosses her arms and shakes her head. “You boys are never going to grow up, are you?”