Page 71 of An Unending Claim

My dad pointed at Nathan. “Exactly.”

Their thought process took shape in my head. “It’s a power play.”

“Correct again.”

“But,” Jase piped up, “he already had one.”

“Owen was a submissive wolf,” I clarified. “In Xavier’s mind, he was a disgrace, an annoyance. It’s how Owen protected me for so many years. Xavier assumed he was neglecting me, then when I disappeared, he didn’t believe my uncle was capable of coming up with a plan to help me do it.”

“I can’t imagine that psycho ever giving up the position of Alpha,” Lincoln rasped, his voice dripping with disgust.

Michael, Nathan’s dad, chimed in for the first time since he’d arrived with everyone. “It’s not really about handing over the reins, it’s about appearing stronger. He thinks that a son will be unquestioningly loyal and have his back. So people will look at him and think twice because they would have to take on the Alpha, and then the Alpha’s son, in order to usurp his position.” He jerked his thumb behind him, indicating Nathan. “I didn’t command loyalty and obedience through fear and retribution. I didn’t need my son to increase my intimidation factor. Which meant I could give my son the freedom to do what made him happy, to find his place in the world, and if that meant eventually coming home and taking my place, even better. If not, then I would have found and trained the right person for the job within the pack, because, as it should always be, there was trust between me and my pack. Xavier doesn’t understand that concept. He thinks loyalty is bought or forced. He’s terrified of being challenged, so he’s seeking ultimate power and trying to guarantee his success in any way he can. An heir is nothing but a tool to him.”

“And his mate was just a body to bear his child.” I wanted to throw up all over again. “He didn’t give a shit when Bane killed her, did he?”

My dad passed a hand over his tired face. “That’s what my gut tells me. He’s probably already picked her replacement.”

“What if he’d had a girl?”

My father looked at Allison, who’d voiced the query. “Would you believe that of all the faults he possesses, Xavier does not discriminate between the sexes?” His tone was dry as he pointed out the ridiculous fact.

Stunned, Allison breathed, “You have got to be kidding me.”

I knew next to nothing about my mother, but Xavier had never hidden the fact that she was his favorite child. In his own, twisted way, he’d loved her. If there was anyone he would have been willing to pass the torch to, it would have been her.

“Xavier’s measure of a person is based on their strength,” I answered. “My mother was an Alpha, and an extremely strong one. He trained her to be every bit as strong and skilled as any man in the pack. She was lethal and he made sure that everyone knew it. He also kept the male wolves away from her because he didn’t want her loyalty to be split between her father and her mate.”

“That’s why he possesses so much hatred for Peyton,” my dad jumped in. “Not only did Marissa, the only person he truly loved and respected, die giving birth to Peyton, but now he had a constant reminder of how Marissa had betrayed him. As far as Xavier is concerned, Peyton is responsible for taking his daughter from him.”

“When I shifted into a panther, well…” I trailed off and held my hands out in a “what can you do?” gesture.

Mason opened his mouth, presumably to ask another question, but Nathan cut him off. “That’s enough. Peyton lived it once, she shouldn’t have to do so again.”

I rolled my eyes and flopped back into my chair. “How about you let me speak for myself, dog?” I drawled. His mouth tightened at the corners, but he didn’t speak again. “However, I think our time is better spent asking what the fuck we do now rather than rehashing my past. If we’re right about everything, that’s great. But what’s next?”

My dad leaned his shoulder against the wall and tapped a finger on his lips before speaking. “My guess is that Xavier will reach out to Nathan, either under the pretense of protecting you from the killer who took out his mate, or to demand you be handed over to be punished for all the deaths he’s attempting to pin on you.”

“And the psycho killer he’s harboring?” Jase asked.

“Backup plan,” I supplied.

“Huh?” Jase scratched his head.

“If those tactics fail, Bane is another weapon in his arsenal. But if Bane is the one to kill me, then Xavier will have a harder time placing the blame on me for everything.”


I put up one finger. “Sympathy for the victim of a serial killer”—a second finger—"no ‘public’ trial for what I did to Buck—who I guarantee will conveniently show up dead”—then a third finger—“or, if Nathan appears to be the grieving mate, then Xavier will have nothing to show that Nathan didn’t trust me. Take your pick.” I could feel Nathan’s stare boring into me, but I ignored it and went back to my question. “So? What’s next then? Sit around and wait for him to make a move?”

“Nathan needs to figure out how to acquire the evidence from that gun range,” Michael volunteered for his son. “Then we can present it before what’s left of the SCA. Even those being paid off won’t be able to refute concrete evidence.”

“Ephraim, get with Asher. I want a plan in twenty-four hours,” Nathan ordered. Ephraim stood and nodded at his Alpha, then at me before swiftly exiting the cabin.

“Mason, Sabrina, you’re on the cabin. Switch off with Allison and Lincoln every eight hours. No one in or out without my express permission. Understood?” Then he turned to Jase. “I need you to go to The Spot and make sure Azreal doesn’t convince the authorities to arrest Sam. He’s going to need a lawyer.” The rest of the enforcers did as Ephraim had, nodding respectfully at Nathan, then me, before filing out.

My gaze had naturally strayed to Nathan, both my panther and I mesmerized by his power and authority. The Alpha vibes coming off him in waves and the aggression filling him were just as sexy now as they’d been the night we met. And I kind of hated myself for reacting to him this way when he was being such a colossal jackass.

“Mom, Dad, will you stay here with Peyton, please? I don’t want her alone and I need to help Tanner at KBO.”