He was referring to one of the hotels he owned in the city. The Red Room was like just about everything else the royal vampires owned—dark, classy, and not what it appeared to be. Though it did function as a real hotel, it was also a…brothel, for lack of a better term. Except it catered to creatures who survived on flesh and blood, especially ones where sex was a key component.
Vampires did not need to have sex to feed, but it was the most filling and satisfying if they ate while fucking.
Fae, however, couldn’t survive without absorbing the life essence of another person. They ate food as well, but without siphoning from powerful emotions, they would eventually wither away. I had no idea why they’d been created that way, but for some reason, they had to have sex to feed because emotions were heightened and that’s when people were the most vulnerable.
There were also others who needed, or preferred, their sustenance during intercourse, and they made use of The Red Room’s services as well.
The thing about those creatures was their victims came willingly because they would never feel a greater pleasure than when they were being fed on. For one thing, the supernats possessed a natural allure that drew people to them. But some of them also had addictive qualities to their scent or venom. The vampires also had compulsion and Fae could cause sexual euphoria without even touching someone. It was easy to make people—humans especially—beg for the physical pleasure that came from being a supernat’s meal. In both cases, though, if the creature wasn’t careful, they would drain their food, killing them.
La Chambre Rougeran a discreet side business where supernats like the Fae and vampires could pay to feed on—meaning fuck—a willing participant. Since the food chose to be there, the Council hadn’t shut the operation down. But Nathan kept a close eye on it just in case.
“A blood Fae was found drained and strangled in one of our spa rooms.”
Yes, they referred to it as a spa, La Paradis—the Paradise. Lucien didn’t seem like the funny type, so I’d always wondered if the double entendre had been intended.
“Fuck,” Nathan grunted, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You need better security,” I stated, irritated that they’d obviously been so lax.
“We provide their security,” Nathan replied heavily.
“It couldn’t have happened on premises,” Lucien declared. “Guests and employees sign waivers agreeing to cameras in the rooms. Which means he was killed elsewhere and brought to the hotel.”
My eyebrows shot up. “Another one?”
“Oui. So you can understand why I would be curious about what happened to Hamna. The bodies of the Fae found in our club, and the one in our palace, were also moved after they were killed.”
I’d begun to think we had everything figured out, but now… it had just become even more complicated.
Nathan must have sensed my disappointment and frustration because he drew me in close and when I laid my head on his chest, he rubbed circles on my back.
Lately, I’d found myself allowing him to comfort me more often, to shoulder some of my burdens, sometimes with me, and at other times he took them over completely. I had no clue when I’d stopped assuming all responsibilities fully and never asking for help. I wasn’t stupid enough to turn it away when it was offered, but since I rarely built relationships, I had no one to rely on other than myself. For someone so observant, with an inability to forget things, I was baffled at how Nathan had snuck in unnoticed. Now I was getting used to having him always with me, even if it was just mentally, and I didn’t want to push him away. If anything, I wanted to burrow my way inside him, too, so we were as close as possible.
“There’s been no evidence of Peyton being involved in those,” Nathan mused. “So what is different this time? Why Hamna? Why now?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Lucien observed, his voice suddenly tired. “But we’d better find out soon. Things in Europe have been heating up as well, divides being created. The witches have lost entire covens and the evidence points strongly to the Fae. We’ve also found traces of shifters at the scene of a few murders in Paris.”
Nathan exhaled slowly and pulled his hair from the bun on the top of his head. “I need to process all of this and get back to you. Although I should warn you that at the moment, Peyton is my priority.”
“Entendu. I have my own… personal issues to handle.”
I was surprised at the irritated tone of Lucien’s voice. The vampire was well known for his lack of emotion.
When I glanced up at Nathan he mouthed, “Woman,” and I had to press my lips together to keep from snickering. Served the jackass right.
Then my humor fled when Lucien added, “I’m afraid Phillipé is right. We are on the brink of war between the species.”
“Keep me apprised of events and I’ll do the same,” Nathan said.
“Oui.Au revoir.”
“That can’t possibly be Xavier’s doing, right?” I asked after Nathan hung up. “Surely he’s notthatpowerful.”
Nathan shook his head. “No. But I think he’s involved.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “We’re missing something.”
I suddenly remembered why I’d come to his office. “I almost forgot. The email and everything distracted me, but I came to tell you that I found him.”
“Found who?”