Page 33 of An Unending Claim

“Correct.” Her questions were forming a hypothesis in my mind and I wondered if it was similar to what she was thinking.

“And you mentioned he was somewhat fixated on killing your cub?”

I nodded.

“I think it’s likely that the fact that the victims were donating to the cause of fertility is a big part of his driving force. Perhaps the sexual component has to do with the act of procreation. Something triggered an obsessive need to stop it from happening, and he fixated on the act, which then morphed into violent, sexual fantasies.”

I played with the ends of my hair as my ideas fit with hers, forming a clearer picture, although we were still missing a lot of pieces. “I figured the clinics and his disgust at the idea of my baby had to be related, but I couldn’t find the link. But now that you’ve said it out loud, I feel like it was obvious.”

“Nothing is obvious when it comes to sick individuals like…B, you call him, right?”

“It’s all he would tell me. I don’t even know if it is actually a part of his name or he just pulled it out of his ass.”

“He’s usually very deliberate in his actions, I doubt he pulled it out of thin air. Especially when he was so flustered from being impulsive.”

“I hadn’t used it in my research because I didn’t want to be led astray by something that might be useless. But, if you think there’s a chance it will lead us to his name, I’ll factor it in.”

“I do.” Everleigh nodded and tapped her lip again before adding, “Also, the appearance of the victims has me thinking. The women all looked similar, the men all similar, and the procreation… I’m wondering if the root cause came from his parents.”

This was another possibility that I hadn’t considered. I felt like an idiot for falling into the trap of assuming that it didn’t have to do with family because of the sexual component.

Everleigh waved her hand and shook her head. “I can see what you’re thinking. This is what I do, Peyton. You shouldn’t expect to see things from the same angle that a professional in this field would. I wouldn’t presume to think I know anything about computer code—mostly because I seem to be allergic to technology, but also because it’s not my expertise.”

“True,” I conceded with a laugh. “It just seems so obvious now.”

“You asked for my help because it was more likely that I would be able to connect the dots, and that was exactly the right instinct. Next time I need something from a secure server, I’m going to call you.”

“Anytime.” I smiled.

“Anyway. This is all theory, of course, so hopefully I’m not sending you on a wild goose chase. But I’d consider how abusive parents might aid your search. It could be mental or physical, but I really think I’m right about the lack of sexual abuse. In fact, I’m wondering if his issues with procreation are indicative of being told he was unwanted or should never have been born. In fact, the removal of the tongue has been nagging at me, something beyond the fantasy of submission.” Her expression had turned thoughtful, her finger tapping, and her eyes staring over my shoulder.

“Have you come up with something else?”

“Maybe…” She finally met my gaze and folded her hands in her lap. “It’s just when I consider everything together—abusive parents, being made to feel worthless or as though he should never have been born—”

“Holy fuck!” I shouted, almost jumping to my feet when the epiphany hit me.

“What? Are you alright?” Everleigh jumped to her feet, her eyes roaming over me as if to find some hidden injury.

“Sorry, yes. It’s just, holy crap, how did I forget? You areexactlyright!” My voice was high and agitated in my excitement, so when I gestured for her to sit again, she appeared reluctant. I waited until she sat, then blurted, “When B had me the last time, he said something. ‘Children should be neither seen nor heard, so I’m going to rid the world of another unwanted kid.’ I filed it away to think about later, but never went back to it. Everleigh, I think you are spot on with your theories.” I scratched my head and the memories percolated with all of the information. “The tongue thing. ‘Neither seen nor heard.’ Do you think shutting them up by taking their tongues means something specific? Besides keeping them from being heard?”

“A punishment involving his tongue?”

“Yes. Like soap in the mouth of a child who swore, you know? Only worse, I imagine.” I cringed. “I’m not even sure I could imagine whatever they did.”

Everleigh frowned and her lips flattened. Then she muttered, “I can, but I won’t give you even worse nightmares with the shit that comes across my desk. People are…” She trailed off, shaking her head.

“I don’t know how you carry the burdens that come with your job.” My heart hurt at the thought of knowing the worst about human beings and still having the courage to live every day with hope.

“It’s not easy, but I have my family and my pack. All of the amazing, loving, generous, happy people in my life who constantly remind me that there is just as much good as there is evil in the world.”

I wasn’t sure I agreed with her ratio, but her description of Silver Lake Pack was definitely accurate.



The sight of Peyton standing in the kitchen cooking with my mom struck me a little harder than I’d expected. I wasn’t a Neanderthal asshole who thought my woman should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. That wasn’t what had my breath catching in my throat. She looked fucking gorgeous, as always, but it was more the ease I saw in her posture, the way she was talking and laughing with my mom, and the way she firmly told my dad to get off his ass and help his mate.