Page 50 of An Unexpected Claim

Chapter Twenty-Two


Iremoved my hand from Peyton’s throat to push the back of her shirt up again and stare at the scars. I touched one of the claw marks that went from her shoulder to her hip. They had been so fucking deep. The pain she must have been in…Fuck. The thought of something happening to Peyton, it was unimaginable. I’d never experienced this level of blind rage, been this close to losing my control. I felt it deep in my soul and when I touched the puckered skin, something inside me quivered, as if it were stifled and needed to be set free.

My wolf was practically foaming at the mouth, snapping viciously, demanding to be set free so he could protect what was his.He was so close to the edge of savagery that keeping him contained took a great deal of effort.

“Why the hell are you reacting like this, Nathan?” Peyton groused. “I get that you have some kind of hero complex, but you’re flipping your shit over something that happened to a relative stranger.” She sounded genuinely confused, as well as supremely irritated.

I didn’t have an answer for her, nor was I interested in giving one. There were more important things to discuss.

In some rational part of my brain, I understood Peyton’s reluctance to share the part of the story, but I also wanted to punish her for it. To force her to stop holding out on me, to let me keep her safe. I wanted to lock her in a room and make sure no one but me ever touched her again. I wanted her all to myself.All of her.

“Is there anything else you want to tell me, Peyton? Are you finally done keeping secrets?” I snarled.

“You’re acting as if it’s your right to know everything about me, Nathan.” She shrugged again in an effort to get away, but I held her even higher, my hand returning to her throat. I squeezed just enough to let her know who was in charge.

“I have every right, Peyton,” I declared. “You are mine.”

Then it happened.

The quivering stopped and a seal broke, flooding me with the sure knowledge that Peyton was my mate. My true mate.

Holy shit.

Everything between us began to fit together and make sense. The strong connection, the overwhelming attraction, the possessive tendencies, the primal need to protect her. They had all been pointing to the truth, but I hadn’t even considered it as an option, so I’d missed all the signs.

I might not have wanted a mate, but I had one now and that was that. Honestly, I didn’t see how it would change much anyway. My path for the future remained steadfast, but now it included Peyton, which meant making a few adjustments. I could stop worrying about her leaving now, which would take at least one load off my shoulders.

Considering the fireworks between us, I could admit that having her in my bed every night was a plus for this new situation. And once we mated, I would become her alpha, and thank fuck for that because I was sure she would be less defiant.

It also meant our child growing up in a home with both parents. That alone was worth mating with Peyton.

“How do you figure that?” she asked dryly, snapping me out of my epiphany. “You have no claim on me, Nathan. We’ve been over this. So how about you let me go before I let my panther out and she makes you.”

A laugh rumbled in my chest, surprising me since I was still deeply enraged about her injuries, as well as stunned by the revelation of our connection.

I gave her what she wanted for the moment. When I released her, she yanked her top down and wrapped her arms around herself. She’d seemed so confident and emotionless when she’d told me about the fight that I hadn’t realized she was still shaken. Over the nightmare or relaying the story, I wasn’t sure. But she was my mate, so I figured it was my duty to care for her.

I put our discussion on hold, as well as what we were to each other, until tomorrow.

“Are you all right?” I asked, genuinely concerned.

“I’m fine. You can go.”

I wanted to help her, but I didn’t know how, other than comforting her with my body. That seemed like the best option for both of us, so I opened my mouth to tell her that. Except I spotted the nearly empty glass on the dresser and realized she might still be thirsty. “Would you like another glass of water?”Seeing as how I was still strung tight over everything, I tried to push back my natural gruffness and be soft with her.

Her eyes narrowed and she twisted the ring on her thumb with her index finger. “No, thank you.” Her proper tone grated on my nerves because I’d come to know her well enough that it meant she was shutting me out.

She was scared and distressed, so I told myself to give her a little leash on her attitude. “Why don’t I stay and…comfort you?”

“I’m fine. Thank you for offering.”

I ground my teeth together and tried another tactic. “You are scared, Peyton. Let me do something for you, damn it.”

Peyton’s brow rose and she looked at me as if I had two heads. “What’s with you all of a sudden? You’re acting weird.”

I grunted in frustration. “Trying to do something nice for you and be less of an asshole is weird?” I gave up on my attempt to be less gruff with her.