“Tyler wasn’t?” I knew some alphas weren’t born into the position. Many fought for the right. “Did he challenge the alpha?”
She shook her head. “Tyler and Alaric were both alphas, and as it happens sometimes, their wolves couldn’t simply coexist; they would always be in a fight for dominance. Alaric chose to leave rather than fight his brother. Nobody questioned it, but after Tyler died, there were whispers. Speculation that Alaric had always been the one meant to lead the Silver Lake Pack in my realm. Tyler knew all along, though, and he’d told me years before. If Alaric had challenged him, he would have been the one to step aside and leave. However, Tyler was a good alpha who loved his pack. He would have done anything to protect every member.”
“What about Nathan?” Like she’d said, Nathan was destined to be an alpha. It had been clear from the moment I met him that there was no choice. If he hadn’t had a pack, he would have been a loner because his wolf would not have been able to help challenging any alpha he tried to serve.
“From what I understand, his father was Alpha before him. He stepped down a while back.”
Little by little, I was learning about the father of my child. I only wished he’d been the one sharing with me.
My eyes met Samantha’s and I wondered what I looked like to her. I could tell she was usually quiet and didn’t talk much, but you could read her like an open book. I had no problem talking to people. I could make pointless chitchat all damn day long. But no one saw below the surface.
And yet somehow this woman—someone I’d just met—had managed to draw out all of my secrets. I’d made myself completely vulnerable to this stranger. There was an odd connection between us, but it was easy, uncomplicated. It was so different from the pull I felt to Nathan.
Kindred spirits.
I suddenly felt open to the possibility. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but either way, it made me feel less alone.
We said goodbye and we both shifted but took off in opposite directions. I wandered back toward Nathan’s house, grateful for my eidetic memory because otherwise I would have been very lost. Along the way, my panther was sidetracked by a million little things and I enjoyed letting her explore some more. I’d have to do it in human form another time.
She caught herself some lunch and we ended up at another small clearing that had a beach that sloped down into the water. It was more rocky than sandy, but I imagined that didn’t stop the kids from having a great time in the summer.My girl curled up in a sunny patch and we both basked in the warmth, losing track of time.
I must have dozed off because it was dark when I opened my eyes.My panther had jumped to her feet—probably what had woken me up—and she was standing, staring into the dark woods, alert and suspicious. After a few quiet seconds, I heard what had put her on edge. A low, menacing growl rumbled from between the trees. The sound was more angry than threatening, but there was no mistaking the danger in the animal’s tone.
It sounded slightly familiar and after a beat my panther sensed the same recognition and her muscles loosened a bit. Although she remained tense and poised for a fight.
A ridiculously large, silver paw appeared first, quickly followed by a huge silver wolf. If I was small for my breed, this guy was obviously the complete opposite. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen one his size.
My panther hissed and whipped her head in a haughty motion.What the hell are you doing?I snapped.We probably shouldn’t bait the huge fucking wolf growling at us as though he wants to make us his next meal!My panther purred a little and I realized how she took my warning.Not like that, you hussy.
The wolf growled again and slowly prowled toward us. When I met his silver eyes, I realized why he felt familiar. This was Nathan’s animal.
Damn, no wonder he was massive, look at his human half. My panther’s attitude suddenly made sense too.
Although he didn’t have the same reaction to her. He looked mad as hell and when I moved closer to the surface, I saw the silver of his eyes flash, giving me a view of Nathan’s equally furious gaze.
Under his heavy stare, my panther no longer attempted to be cute and flirty. Nathan and his wolf were an intimidating pair and anyone who was in the sights of their wrath would have to be stupid not to be a little terrified.
I nudged my cat, wondering if we should make a run for it. He might be bigger, but we were faster and could climb trees.Top of the food chain, buddy.
As if he knew what I was thinking, the wolf took a step forward and growled, the low warning sending chills down my spine. Then he snarled and jerked his head toward the trees before turning around and lumbering back between them.
He clearly expected us to follow without question, the cocky ass. A howl rent the air and without my consent, my panther took off after Nathan’s wolf.What kind of alpha female are you?I mentally sighed.
We arrived back at Nathan’s cabin ten minutes later and the wolf was standing on the back porch, staring at us, his eyes still glittering with anger.
Less than a minute later, we were staring at an almost as large, equally pissed off human male.
“Get your ass inside, Peyton,” he barked.
I hesitated, not happy about being ordered around, but then his silver eyes turned nearly black and my sense of self-preservation kicked in. I shifted when my panther retreated without a peep, happy to let me deal with the angry alpha instead of her.Chicken. She huffed and ignored me.
“Peyton!” Nathan’s bellow made me jump into action and I stalked toward the house. But I glared at him as I marched past, not willing to back down completely.
A gasp burst from my mouth when I suddenly felt a sharp sting on one of my ass cheeks.
What the fuck?
“Don’t push me, Peyton,” he growled, his tone dark and hostile, sending a shiver down my spine.