Page 9 of Say Yes


The serious expression on his face intensifies, and I’m thoroughly confused.

“Lindsay...” He sucks in air and lets it out on a rush. “I don’t want to wear a condom.”


I’m not sure what to say to that. I know he hasn’t been with anyone since he was in the Air Force and even had a recent checkup, so that’s not an issue but… “You want to pull out?” I guess.

He slowly shakes his head.

“Bu—but, but,” I sputter. “I could get pregnant!”

“Would that be so bad?” he asks softly.

I—no, no it wouldn’t, I admit to myself. I always wanted a big family. I still do. But, I hadn’t really let myself think about it since Paul died. This is crazy. Isn’t it?

“You want to have a baby with me? We’ve only known each other a month!” My voice is high and squeaky, like a prepubescent teenage boy. I wrinkle my nose, not the best comparison when your naked body is plastered against the equally naked man of your dreams.

The man of my dreams. I try that on for size.

“I’m thirty-four, honey. I’ve finally found the woman who was meant for me, and I don’t want to wait and longer. Fuck yes, I want to put my babies in you.”

“Babies?” There was that squeak again.

He smiles and tenderly tucks some of my hair behind my ear. “I would love a big family, but even if you only want one, I’ll be more than happy. I’ll be fucking ecstatic if I only have you forever.”

I can only hope my gaping mouth isn’t making me look like a fish. I don’t really care, though. My heart is in my throat, hope and—holy cow—love bursting from its seams. He wants a big family and he’s talking about forever.

A look of chagrin transforms his face and he drops his head to rest on my chest. Suddenly, my heart is breaking. He’s obviously regretting his impulsive thoughts.

He groans. “What the fuck am I doing?” My body turns cold, all the warmth I’ve ever felt in his presence becoming a layer of stinging frost.

“This is the worst proposal in the history of the world, isn’t it?” he grumbles, his voice muffled against my skin.

“Proposal?” I shriek. I need to find my sanity, because whoever this chick is that I am right now, she apparently only has one level of volume. Banshee.

Colton lifts his head just enough to rest his chin on my sternum, looking up at me through thick, black lashes. “Yeah.”

That’s it. That’s all he says. Banshee reappears and when I try to calmly say, “Explain,” and instead, it comes out as another ear-piercing screech.

He lifts up onto his elbows, and when I get a good look at his face, I realize he is fighting a smile.

“This isn’t funny, Colton Black!”

“You’re right,” he agrees quickly, straightening his face but the smile is still lingering in his eyes. “Look, I had every intention of wooing you a little longer before I start talking about marriage and kids. But, then I was about to reach for a condom and it just hit me like a fucking ton of bricks. I don’t want anything between us, I want to be the one who comes inside you so deep, our souls are inseparable. I want to watch you grow big and round with our baby, or babies. And I want to wake up every morning with the satisfaction that comes from knowing I belong to the most incredible woman in the world.”