Page 11 of Say Yes

My mind is a frenzy of uncontrollable need . . . I lean down and snarl, “What do I want to hear, Lindsay. Give it to me.”

Her head thrashes from side to side mindlessly, barely aware of my demand. But, I’m long past logic, left rational I the dust, and shed the skin that was containing the savage inside me.

I smooth a hand over one ass cheek and lift her hips just a little higher. Crack! A pink handprint blooms on Lindsay’s caramel skin and fuck if that doesn’t just spur me on even more.

“Give me what I want, Lindsay,” I practically roar.

“Colton! I—can’t, oh yes!”

And there it is.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Her screams are ringing in the room, her arms straining against my firm hold, her pussy pulsing as she chases after her orgasm. Because I have no fucking control, I spank her ass again, the sweet sound and pretty mark left behind making me harder than I thought I could be. My dick is likely to break off at any moment.

Her shouts have escalated. I swat her another time, my cock shooting some come when it’s clear that being spanked is fueling her fire. I fucking love everything about this woman.

I push her further, higher, harder and finally, when her voice is so hoarse she can barely whisper my favorite word, I press down on her little bud, and she detonates.

“Fuck! Lindsay, oh fuck, yes. Keep your pussy is milking my cock, baby. Lindsay! Oh fuck!” One last thrust and I bury myself as hard and as deep as I can, my cock bursting and filling her with jet after jet of my seed. I’m coming so hard I’m seeing stars and I feel as though there is an endless supply of semen inside me because I can’t seem to stop releasing it.

Later, I’m lying on my back in an exhausted heap with Lindsay sprawled across me. “If this is what I have to look forward to for the next eighty years, sign me up,” she mumbles, and as much as I want to, I’m literally too fucking tired to laugh.

“Doesn’t matter anyway,” I say with a yawn. “You already said yes.”

“I’m just going to grab the mail from my place!” Lindsay calls and she scampers up the walkway to her apartment. I scowl at the stupid place, irritated that she’s dragging her feet about moving in with me. I was serious when I’d told her I didn’t want to wait. For crying out loud, I’d been fucking her without a condom for over three weeks. She could already be pregnant, and I am bound and determined for her to have my last name before we greet our first child.

I don’t think she even realizes that she’s got one foot out the door, afraid the day will come when she’ll need to escape. I know she loves me, but she’s still keeping that sliver of herself, protecting it so that she’s guaranteed nobody will ever completely hurt her. Translation, it won’t matter if they leave her, because she she’ll leave them first. But, I wasn’t Paul and I wasn’t her parents—I was here to stay, damn it.

This shit needs to end. I start stalking toward her place when I hear her scream and take off running.