Page 7 of Say Yes


I wishthe earth would open up and swallow me whole. Part of me wants to put Colton’s balls in a vice, while the other is warmed all over by his declaration.

It’s been three years. I shouldn’t feel guilt for dating again, and until this moment, I hadn’t. But, Vince is watching me with sadness and I know it’s because he’s still hanging on to Paul. He hasn’t truly grieved for his friend, using me as a crutch to avoid moving on.

I know he’s afraid to lose his only link to Paul, and before I met Colton, I might have let that sway me into denying any other man’s place in my life. Honestly, I don’t know what we are, but Colton has made no bones about the fact that he wants more than friendship. But, I kept holding back and sometime in the last month, it had no longer become about where we live. I was pretty sure he wasn’t going to let me get away with that excuse anymore and labeling himself as my boyfriend just now confirmed it.

I had stopped speaking to get a grip on my thoughts and that’s when I feel Colton’s head turn in my direction, the heat of his gaze boring into the top of my head. I start again. “He’s my landlord,” I spout, then mentally toss myself off a cliff. I’m such a coward. Colton stiffens, the arm he has around me loosening, and a hole busts in my heart knowing I’ve hurt him. “We’re dating,” I say quickly, hoping I can undo the damage I’ve caused. “Yes, I mean, he’s my boyfriend. It’s new. A little overwhelming. I’m not used to it yet. That’s why I…” I trail off as soon as I notice that I’m rambling like a lunatic.

Colton’s arm tightens around me again, and I chance a peek up at him. He’s smiling at me, but I can’t read his expression beyond that. I’m not sure if I smoothed over my gaff or he’s putting on a front for Vince.

One thing at a time, I tell myself. I return my attention to my friend. “Are you staying in town? Could we maybe catch up tomorrow?”

Vince’s face closes up, becoming void of any emotion, and I feel like the world’s biggest bitch. But, the truth is, I need to stop giving in to my fears and own up to the fact that Colton is becoming my priority. He’s insinuating himself in my heart, and it scares me to death because I know he’s filling a part I didn’t realize was hollow. A part that Paul had never filled. I had loved my husband with all of myself at the time, I just didn’t know there was more until Colton came along and started shedding light into unrecognized darkness.

“I don’t know,” Vince answers, taking me away from my moment of self-revelation. “I’ll call you, okay?” His face softens for a second, and he reaches an arm out to me, but drops it when Colton pulls me in front of his chest and wraps both arms across my front, effectively caging me. Vince’s face steels again, and I fight a sigh. I feel a flare of annoyance at Colton’s caveman tactics but choose to ignore him rather than address it. For the moment.

I nod at Vince and smile hopefully. “Great. I hope you’ll consider staying to visit.” He bobs his head and turns away. I silently watch him cross the yard and get into a dark sedan, driving away without a backward glance.

An unexpected shiver races down my spine when I feel a whisper soft kiss on the side of my neck. “I’m glad you’ve finally seen reason and admitted you can’t live without me.” His mouth presses against my skin and I can feel it turn up in a smile.

I gasp. “I did not!” I argue indignantly. He can’t possibly know that, can he? Did I accidentally speak my thoughts out loud?

“It was implicit,” he replies with a chuckle. His hold has loosened, and I take the opportunity to turn around so I can look at his face. His cocky smirk is irritating but damn my stupid body, it’s turning me on.

He studies me while I think and when his smirk morphs into a huge grin, I know I’ve done a piss poor job of keeping my thoughts off of my face. Again. No matter how hard I’ve tried to shutter my brain, Colton reads me like a damn book.

I sigh and untangle myself from his embrace. I’m able to successfully get away, but one look at his face, and it’s very clear that it was only because he allowed it. I may be strong, but Colton could crush me like a bug. Not that he would ever touch me in anger. I’ve always known, since the moment I met him, that he was a safe place for me. Which means, looking back, I can’t figure out why I was being such an idiot and guarding my heart.

Colton takes my hand and laces our fingers together. “How about we table this until after our date, hmmm?” His thumb rubs tiny little circles on my hand and I feel it all the way to my very core. Then I have to go and notice his messy, dark hair, low-slung blue jeans, and the black T-shirt, which is just tight enough to show off his ripped physique, paired with black boots that make him look like a biker. A hot as shit, badass biker.

He doesn’t wait any longer for my agreement. Instead, he tugs me down the steps and over to his garage. I’m puzzled when he punches in a code and waits for the door to lift, since his black SUV is right behind us in the driveway. “Hang tight for a sec,” he says before vanishing into the dark cavern.

My jaw hits the fucking ground when the next thing I see is Colton straddling a sleek, silver motorcycle. My ovaries explode, my heart melts, and my panties disintegrate. Ah, this is why he passed the message along to wear jeans. He parks it in front of me, then goes back in, reappearing shortly with two leather jackets and two helmets.

“Ever ridden one of these before?” he inquires. I shake my head because I’m unable to form words at the moment. Well, any other words beside “take me now,” so I keep my mouth shut.

“Are you okay with taking it to dinner?” Concern colors his soft tone and I think I’m going to swoon.

I smile and jerk my chin up and down to show him how excited I am, still not trusting myself to speak without begging him to fuck me right here, right now.

He helps me into the jacket, rolling the sleeves up to uncover my hands because I’m absolutely swimming in it. Then he puts a red helmet on my head and straps it beneath my chin. Taking a step back, he runs his eyes up and down my body, the dark orbs becoming almost back, except for the fire burning inside them.

“I don’t know how you manage it, Lindsay,” he murmurs, his voice low and thick with arousal. “I wouldn’t have thought it possible to be so cute and so fucking sexy at the same time. Just more proof that you are like no one I’ve ever known.”

My body flushes with pleasure at his words and heat creeps over my face. I probably look like a roasted tomato. Colton grins and shakes his head. “See? Cute.” He holds out his hand, his eyes twinkling with something sweet and I take it, letting him lead me over to the motorcycle. He gives me the run down and we’re off for our first date. Why does it feel like I’ve known him forever?

* * *

“C-colton,” I stammer through heaving breaths as his lips blaze a trail down my neck. We stumble into his house and he swings the door shut, pressing me up against it. I try to concentrate and see through the fog of lust. “Aren’t—um—Oh,” I moan when his large hands cup my breasts. I have to make him stop so I can think, damn it. But I’ll fucking die if he stops. What was I saying? Oh—“Aren’t we supposed to—mmm—yes . . . to talk? We need to—” I can’t finish because his mouth slams down over mine, his tongue plunging inside and scattering any rational thought I had left.

“After,” he mumbles against my lips before angling his head and deepening the kiss. “Need you now,” he groans when we part, gasping in deep lungfuls of air. Cool air hits my chest and my nipples pebble before they are enveloped in warmth. Mild surprise registers and I peek down to see that Colton somehow managed to unbutton my shirt and unhook my bra without me noticing.

He squeezes my breasts. “I love how your tits fill my hands, Lindsay. So full and luscious. My mouth waters every time I think about sucking on your nipples.” Holy crap. My panties are ruined, and my pussy is aching. I’ve never felt like this, an all-consuming need for another person. Somehow my body knows that we will find completion when we’re finally connected.

His lips wrap around one of my diamond hard peaks and my knees buckle. Without warning, his hands go to my ass and hoist me up so his hips anchor me, the very impressive bulge in his jeans snuggled in tight between my legs. He runs his hands over my thigh and when he reaches my knees, he guides me around his waist. All this time, he doesn’t once cease his attention on my breasts.

My hands go to his head and thread through his hair, holding him to me and moaning with each pull of his mouth on my nipples. He’s been alternating between sides but he suddenly lets go with a pop and his hands once again replace his mouth, so he can kiss me. His erection is digging into the apex of my thighs, and he slowly rocks in an even rhythm, driving me out of my freaking mind.