She inhaled deeply. “Michael, is Logan still alive?”

My jaw slackened.What the fuck?Amusement rolled through me, but I kept a straight face. Leaning back, I folded my arms. “Why? Would you mourn him if he wasn’t? Because that would make me incredibly jealous.”

“Michael…You didn’t…”

I couldn’t contain my laughter.

Her shoulders relaxed, and she sucked her teeth. “I can’t believe you’d mess with me like that.”

“I couldn’t help it. My girlfriend just accused me of being a gangster.”

“I wasn’taccusingyou. It’s just… I’ve learned that you can get pretty unhinged in the name of protecting me, and I couldn’t stand it if you felt you had to do anything crazy. I love you, Michael, and I’d never want you to ruin your life like that.”

“Mia, I’ve lost my cool a few times, but I’m not insane or reckless. Logan is fine. I might have given him the impression that I’d murder him, but it was all in good fun.”

She gave me a look of reprimand, but then a tiny smirk played on her lips. “I’m glad you had your fun.”

The spineless weasel had almost shit himself, and it was hilarious. He’d really thought I was going to do him in. I doubt Mia will ever hear from him again. Plus, he’d soon find out that the man who trapped him in a never-ending money pit had been dealt with.

“I’m going to need you to stop worrying about Logan now,” I said.

“Okay.” She stood up and cupped my face to give me a peck on the cheek. “You’re my hero.”

I grinned, feeling a surge of warmth from her words. “Your hero, huh?” I grabbed her hand before she could pull away and gently tugged her back to me. “Then how about a real kiss for saving the day?”

She laughed softly and leaned in. Our lips met in a slow, sweet dance. As always, the heat intensified, and I explored her mouth with more fervor. I couldn’t get enough of her. If we didn’t have limited time before we heard tiny footsteps running to the kitchen, I’d take her right here on the counter. I reined in my raging libido and rested my forehead against hers. The chaos of the last few weeks seemed like a distant memory now that Mia was safe in my arms, where she belonged.

Eight months later

I gathered Mia in my arms, and she instantly snuggled closer. Smiling into her hair, I inhaled deeply, taking in the floral scent of her shampoo… I wanted to take in all of her. It was late. I’d just returned from a business trip—I didn’t take as many anymore because I wanted to be close to my girls.

Coming home to my woman and my kid was everything. My lifealmostfelt complete. Mia was completely mine in the romantic scenes, but I wanted to make things more official. However, I wasn’t sure how she felt about marriage. She was only twenty-two. That might be the furthest thing from her mind. I was itching to ask.


“Hmm?” The drowsy murmur made me feel guilty. She must be exhausted. She’d had a long day with classes, and then she’d waited up for me. Plus, she’d insisted on not hiring a nanny to help out with Poppy. Mia created her schedule around Poppy and took care of her as if she were her own. My heart was on the verge of bursting with sheer gratitude for the way she loved my daughter.

“How’s school going?” I asked.

“I’m just getting started, but I love it so far.”

“Good.” She’d decided to pursue a career in child psychology, which I thought was fitting. She was a natural with kids. “How do you feel about marriage at your age, with school and everything?”

After a beat of silence, she shuffled to sit up and then the light switched on. Mia gazed at me with raised eyebrows. “You want to discuss my take on marriage at one a.m.?”

I shrugged and gave her a sheepish look. “It’s on my mind, and I can’t sleep.”

She blinked. “Okay… Well, maybe plenty of people my age aren’t considering marriage, but I’m different.” Her cheeks flushed. “Don’t laugh, but I’ve been planning my weddingto Prince Charming since I was a teen gushing over my grandparent’s wedding photos.”

I nodded. “Interesting…”

“It is?”

“Yes…” I rolled out of bed and went into the closet, where I had the ring hidden for months. I’d been wondering about the appropriate time to pop the question… or if Mia would be interested. I had gotten my answer.

The confused lines that twisted her expression vanished when she saw the little box. I walked around to her side of the bed and dropped to one knee.

“Holy shit,” she whispered. “Yes! I do! Wait, I jumped the gun. I mean, I’ll marry you… but you haven’t even asked yet.” Her blush intensified. “Oh God… I’m sorry…”