All was well in my world. Poppy and I had Mia back, and she was safe. A week later, we were back to our regular programming as if nothing had happened. Of course, I took precautions with a bit of extra security, but for the most part, things were quiet.
I took up the mug of coffee Mia handed to me and was about to take a sip, but I noticed her staring at me and froze. Glancing at her, I asked, “Is something on your mind, Mia?”
Her cheeks turned champagne pink, and her eyelashes fluttered down.
“Are you thinking about this morning, by any chance?” I raised my eyebrows. “If you are, we can go back to bed and experiment some more…”
This morning had been very erotic and invigorating. Mia’s flexibility wasintriguing,and I might have fallen more in love with her. Her blush deepened, and I couldn’t hold back my laugh.
“You are insatiable.” She sighed. “And no, I wasn’t thinking about sex.”
“Pity,” I hummed and took my first sip of coffee. We’d been waking up extra early the last few days to have a little quiet timetogether before the chatty, energizer bunny woke up. “Why were you practically boring holes into the side of my face?”
She sighed and eased onto the chair beside mine. “I want to ask you something, but I’m afraid to.”
My eyebrows dipped. “I thought we established that you never have to be afraid to ask me anything.”
“Alright, it’s not that I’m afraid to ask. I’m more afraid of the answer.”
My eyes narrowed on her. “Ask me.”
She chomped on her lower lips for a moment as she regarded me with a hint of wariness. “It’s about Logan…”
“I see.”
“I know how you handled the bookie.”
“Mm-hmm.” That asshole was still behind bars. I was feeling extra petty when I saw how many times he knocked on Mia’s door in that security footage. The images were enough to show how afraid she was of him and how he hounded her existence. I commissioned the best hacker I knew who enjoyed putting away criminals to help me get him off the street. Alex had been all too happy to help. With our combined connections, that man had been dealt with, and he’d never bother anyone again.
“But you never told me what you did to Logan.”
I studied her closely, noting the fear in her eyes. “Mia, what do you think I did to him?”
She pursed her lips and averted her gaze. “Well… Lincoln said you attacked the bookie.”
“He wouldn’t tell me where he was meeting you after we intercepted him. At the time, I had no problem beating the information out of him.”
“Oh my God,” she groaned.
I shrugged. I had no regrets.
Mia glanced at my right hand. The bruises were mostly faded. “You punched a hole in the wall.”
“I lost my cool for a moment. Where are you going with this?”
She gulped. “You wore this devious smirk when you got back from your meeting with Logan.”
I lifted an eyebrow. He’d dared to call Mia again. I knew the only way to get rid of him was to let him know he’d no longer be dealing with her but with me. I found out where he was staying and waited for him. The look on his face when he stepped into his motel room and found me waiting for him was priceless. He’d broken into Mia’s apartment to search for cash—the prick—so I violated his space.
Fair is fair.
“Our chat was interesting,” I said. Logan had quivered like a leaf the entire time, and it amused me.
“And what did you do after you talked to him?” Mia asked. “He seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.”
“What are you implying?”