“Why would you want me back in your life after what I did?”

“What exactly didyoudo?” he asked.

I pulled myself out of hysteria. “Well, I got roped into the entire mess because my ex-boyfriend…” I supposed the whole ordeal wasn’t my doing per se.

Michael rested his hands on my shoulders. “I didn’t get the entire story from that guy who was harassing you for money, but I figured you didn’t intentionally get involved with criminals.”

My eyes lowered to the floor. “I didn’t, but I still feel so foolish.”

“Tell me what happened, Mia.” He took my hand and led me to one of the chaise lounges that decorated the terrace. To my surprise, he sat so close to me that our legs touched. “Tell me everything.”

Reluctantly, I started, and when I was finished, I couldn’t look at him. I feared I’d see the reprimand and disgust in his eyes. How could I be so naive? Suddenly, that old insecurity about our age difference kicked in. He must have thought I was a silly twenty-two-year-old.

“Why didn’t you tell me, Mia? I knew something wasn’t right, and I gave you the chance to.”

“I was ashamed,” I said, still avoiding his gaze. “I thought I could handle it. All I had to do was pay what Logan owed, and I’d be left alone, but then Logan showed up again, and that man wanted more, and then things spiraled out of control. I didn’t want anyone to know… I didn’t want to prove everyone right about me being such a screw-up. I thought I’d die if my parents found out or you…” I finally garnered the courage to look at him. “I was terrified of being kicked out of your and Poppy’s lives if you found out.”

I watched him closely, gauging his expression. He still didn’t look disgusted or furious.

“Mia, you’re not a screw-up. I’m touched that you tried to protect Poppy and me, but I can’t deny that taking on acriminal alone was foolish. What exactly were you planning to do tonight?”

I shrugged. “I was hoping to give the bookie all the money I had and tell him that was it. He could either accept it or do me in… or whatever those people do to the poor souls they target.”

“Jesus,” he breathed and rubbed his forehead.

“It wasn’t the smartest plan, but I wasn’t going to let Logan use me any longer.”

“What did you plan to do about Logan?”

“I’d already let him know I wasn’t playing his game and that I wouldn’t get money out of you like he wanted. He was pissed, and then he threatened me, but I didn’t care. I think he’s the one who trashed my apartment. When I got there and saw the place, I wasn't sure who…” I swallowed hard. “I was terrified, so I ran.”

“And you made it hard for me to find you,” he said. “I wish you had come to me sooner, Mia. All of this could have been avoided.”

I lifted my chin. “It wasn’t your fight, Michael. I had to try and fix my mess. I don’t regret trying to protect you.”

He grunted. “No one has ever risked their neck to protect me before.”

I glanced at him. Was that admiration I saw in his eyes or was I imagining it? “I’ll understand if you don’t want anything to do with me after this. You were right about me all along. I really am chaos and trouble. You don’t need me in your life.”

“Yes, you are those things, Mia Clarke,” he said.

My heart plummeted. I’d expected him to kick me to the curb, but it still hurt.

“From the moment you entered my life, you’ve kept me on my toes. During the last few days, I went on quite the adventure. I bribed your landlord, played detective to find you, and dug up information on people in ways I’m sure is illegal. A few other petty crimes might have been committed, but guess what?”

“What?” I asked as I braced myself for the breakup and official firing.

“I don’t care because I got you back. You’re mine, and you’re safe, and I love you, Mia… you…” He let out a laugh.“Sweettrouble.”

For a moment, I thought I heard wrong, but he repeated it. “I’m in love with you, Mia. I should have told you that a long time ago. If I had, maybe you would have trusted me to help you.”

“I do trust you, Michael. I… I love you too.” The words tumbled out. I couldn’t believe I got to say them so soon because I was convinced he’d need more time to get to that stage. Actually, after the mess I’d gotten into, I thought this moment would never happen.

His expression softened, and he lifted a hand to trace the curve of my jaw. “Good. Now that we’ve got that settled, tell me you’ll never run off on some fool’s mission to save me again, and then kiss me.”

I rolled my eyes, but I was already leaning into him. “You’re so bossy,” I whispered before I pressed my lips to him. I loved it. I loved every version of him, and I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to still have him after the crazy debacle. For the moment, everything else disappeared, and it was just us—no crazy exes, no bookies, no worries. Just Michael and me, wrapped up in each other.