His words left me stunned. My mouth dropped open as the strangest mixture of emotions went through me. I felt relief, outrage, and…arousalas the image of me over his knee flitted through my mind. I had to remind myself that I was in danger and so was Michael. He shouldn’t be here.

I took a step back as if our proximity was hazardous to him… It actually was. “What are you doing here?” I asked.


“You need to leave right now.”

His eyes widened in momentary shock before narrowing to slits of annoyance. “Leave?Mia, I have spent three days of hell searching this city for you. I haven’t slept. I’ve barely eaten. I thought you were…” He inhaled deeply as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I thought the worst. I’m not leaving you here.” He stepped aside and gestured to his usual chauffeured SUV. “Get in the car.”

“I can’t. You don’t understand… You need to stay away from me.”

“Mia, my patience has been worn thin. Get your ass in the car now before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you.”

I scoffed. As hot as I found his domineering ways sometimes, this was not the time for it. “Michael, I’m trying to protect you. I’m meeting?—”

“The extortioner with the god-awful tattoos?”

My gasp was dramatic enough for a soap opera.

“I’m afraid he won’t make it.”

“But… How…”

Michael’s smile was as cold as the bookie’s... No, it was colder. “He and I had a little chat. Besides, where he is now… It’s impossible for him to make your little meeting.”

I gawked at him and really processed the dangerous glint in his eyes. At that moment, I realized just how silly I was. Why did I ever think Michael neededmyprotection?

“Now, get your things, Mia,” he said in a much gentler tone. “I’m taking you home.”

Home. My chin quivered, and more tears burned my eyes. This time, they were happy tears. Michael knew what I’d gotten into, and he still wanted to take me home.

I hesitantly approached Michael on the terrace. I had been with Poppy for about an hour because she refused to let me go, and I didn’t want to let her go either. She was happy I’d taken care of the “monsters” and came back. I held her until she fell asleep, partly because I felt guilty for leaving.

However, I hadn’t really taken care of the monsters. Michael had, and I didn’t understand how. He glanced back when he heard me but turned back around to continue gazing at the glittering sea of lights. His shoulders were rigid, and he radiated agitation. He was furious with me, and I didn’t blame him. I was angry with myself.

I stood there for a moment, staring at his back, not sure what to say.

“Is Poppy finally asleep?” he asked without looking at me. “She insisted on staying up in case I found you tonight.”

Another wave of guilt washed over me. He sounded stressed and exhausted. He said he hadn’t slept. “Michael, I’m sorry…”

He heaved a sigh and finally turned to look at me. “You already said sorry in your note.”

The bite in his tone made me duck my head in shame. Maybe I didn’t handle what was supposed to be my resignation the best way. “Am I… um… fired? I mean, I said I quit, but I’m here…”

“Really, Mia?” He glared. “You’re worried about your job? What aboutme?”

My throat tightened at the raw edge in his voice. He looked at me as if I betrayed him. “I’m not—It’s not just the job. I didn’t want to leave you… I… I was scared, and I didn’t know what else to do.”

Finally, the months of stress, fear, and anxiety came crashing down, and I broke. My sobs seemed to be wrenched from my soul because my entire body shook with the force of them. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to keep you and Poppy safe.”

Michael sighed as he covered the distance between us. His arms engulfed me, which made me weep harder.

“I know,” he whispered. “It’s okay now. You’re okay.”

Why was he being so nice to me? I didn’t deserve it. Pulling away from, I wailed, “How can it be okay? I put you and your daughter in danger. I don’t deserve you or her.”
