“How do you even know about them? Have you been stalking me?” I bit out.Them…My fantasy family. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten caught up in my stupid dream and played house with my employer and his daughter. Look at what I'd done. I’d brought my trouble right to their doorstep.

“You came back to your apartment the other day. You didn’t see me outside. I was waiting for you, so I could ask you to help me again, but then I decided to follow you. I was curious about that wicked ride you showed up with. Admittedly, I had thoughts of ‘borrowing’ it, but then I saw something way more valuable. Michael Hayes… That’s his name, right?”

“Stay away from him.” My voice trembled with fury and apprehension.

“I wonder what our mutual friend will think about having a billionaire on his roster. If you don’t get me the cash I need—because I know you can—I’ll have to introduce him to Hayes. Better yet, why don’t you and I trick a few million from your rich boyfriend, Mia? We could have it made.”

Nausea washed over me, but I forced myself to keep it together. “Please, don’t do this, Logan. If you ever cared about me at all…” What was I saying? A man who could date and live with a woman for months and then callously throw her to the wolves couldn’t possibly have a heart—couldn’t have possibly cared. He was blackmailing me, for goodness’ sake.

“I don’t have a choice!” His voice was frantic. “Look, I’m sorry, Mia, but I’m desperate. They’ll kill me. I’m doing what’s necessary to survive. You’re my only way out of this. If you don’t get me the money, I’ll send them to your boyfriend.”

I couldn’t speak. I could only clutch my phone while my heart pounded in my ears.

“They gave me three days,” he said in a calmer tone. “So, you’ve got two.”

The silence on the other end of the line was deafening. Lowering my phone, I gazed straight ahead. There was no way I’d con Michael out of money to help my disgusting ex. There was only one thing left to do. I had to get away from Michael and Poppy for their safety. I’d die before I’d let those sleazebag thugs go anywhere near them.

The door to the dance studio opened and a bunch of little girls in tutus of all colors spilled out. Poppy spotted me and a megawatt smile lit up her face. “Mia! Mia! I learned how to do a pirou…” She paused and her eyebrows formed adorably confused lines. “This!”

I smiled as she did a 360 spin on one foot.

“Wow. That’s amazing.” I tried to hide my misery and show as much excitement as I could. “You’ll be a prima ballerina before we know it.”

She jumped and clapped with glee. “I can’t wait to show Daddy.”

“Yeah… Come on, sweetie. I snatched her up instead of taking her hand to lead her through the door.” Although her little arms wound around my neck, she gave me a bewildered look. I didn’t usually carry her, but I needed to get her to the car fast. After discovering that Logan had been watching me, my paranoia was at an all-time high. What if my tormentor whom I hadn’t heard from—probably because he had Logan back in his clutches—was watching me too?

Poppy was a precious bundle worthbillions. I hated myself for putting her at risk.

I nearly made a hole in the kitchen tiles, pacing while I waited for Michael. I’d already told Poppy goodbye in a way, and I waswaiting to drop the bomb on Michael that I had to quit. It killed me to leave like this, but what choice did I have? I stopped pacing long enough to rest my head on the cool granite of the island because I was getting overheated from anxiety.

Of all the nights for Michael to be late… I just wanted to get my heartbreak over and done with… rip it off like a bandaid. My heart started to race when I heard the faint ding of the elevator’s arrival.

Footsteps echoed through the foyer. I waited for Michael to come into the kitchen as usual. However, he didn’t appear. Instead, I heard him call, “Mia?”

Surprised, I followed his voice and found him in front of my bedroom door. When it was this late, he didn’t bother me… although, most nights, I waited for him in his bed, which he liked.


He turned. “You’re still up. I’m glad because I felt awful about waking you.”

“It’s okay…” I took him in. His suit was immaculate as always. However, his tie was loose and his hair was disheveled. That unkempt hair usually meant he’d had a stressful day, and ran his fingers through it a million times. “Bad day?”

“No…” The creases in his eyebrows said otherwise.

“Is everything okay, Michael?”

“I don’t know, Mia.”

My heart dropped at the thought that Logan or the bookie had jumped the gun and threatened him. “Michael, I can ex?—”

“You’ve been acting strange lately.”

I clamped my mouth shut.

“I know there’s something you’re not telling me, and I…” He folded his arms and rocked back on his heels. “I thought I’d show you how much I trust you, and hopefully you’ll see that you can trust me.”

My gaze dropped to the floor in shame. He trusted me, and I’d brought trouble into his life. “Um… okay…”