“Since when?”
I scoffed my outrage and glowered at her, but the teasing glint was clear in her eyes. “Very funny. And here I was considering giving you a raise…”
Her little chuckle almost made me smile because apparently, I’d fallen in love and turned human enough to get distracted from workandappreciate my assistant’s teasing.
“Michael, I’m your assistant…”
“And a damn good one.”
“Thank you. But you’d say we’re friends, too, right?”
“I’m a little worried because you’renever…off. Is everything okay?”
I rubbed the back of my neck. Talking about my personal life wasn’t something I liked to do. However, Amber looked genuinely concerned and maybe I needed a woman’s perspective.
“Yeah… No… I mean, I’m not sure.”
Amber leaned back, crossed her legs, and waited for me to elaborate.
“I’m sure you’ve caught on to the fact that Mia and I are…”
She smirked. “You two have been very tight-lipped, but of course, I realize. It’s cute how the two of you try to act”—she made air quotes—“‘normal’ in public. Even the blind could see how into each other you are.”
For a moment, I was speechless because I thought Mia and I were keeping things under wraps so well. “I see.”
Amber chuckled. “What’s bothering you?”
“Things have been good—really great—but there’s something she isn’t telling me. I can’tdemandthat she tell me because that would make me an asshole…” I glanced at Amber. “Right?” I was accustomed to dealing with associates in my typical detached sometimes, frigid manner. However, I couldn’t be a bossy dick when it came to communicating with my girlfriend.
“You can come off intimidating even when you don’t mean to, so I wouldn’t recommend that approach.”
I quirked an eyebrow. “I figured as much. So as a woman… How would you suggest I handle it?” I was a tad embarrassed having to resort to asking my assistant for relationship advice. “Everything we say stays in this room, got it?” I warned.
She rolled her eyes at my pointed look. “Of course. God forbid the rest of your employees know you’re human.”
I glowered.
“You can’t expect Mia to tell you her secrets if you’ve never told her yours.”
My eyebrows scrunched together. “I don’t have any secrets.”
“Have you told her about Poppy’s mother?”
My jaw tightened. Just the mention of that woman made irritation burn in my gut. “She has nothing to do with my current relationship.”
“Michael…”Amber let out a frustrated sigh as if she were trying to explain quantum physics to a toddler. “You can’t expect Mia to bare her soul when you won’t bare yours. If you tell her about the demon you once dated?—”
I snorted.
“Maybe she’ll feel comfortable trusting you with her secrets.”
“I can simplytellher she can trust me.” However, I didn’t see why she wouldn’t already know that. “My past relationship is irrelevant…”
Amber shrugged. “If you want Mia to trust you, show her that you trust her. It might encourage her to talk. You asked for my opinion, and there it is.”
“Fair enough. Thanks… maybe I will share the story of Poppy’s mother.” I’d avoided the subject for six years. People probably thought Poppy was dropped into my arms by a stork by the way I’d avoided mentioning her mother.