Spencer wasn’t offended at all. He chuckled as he patted my shoulder. “I’m sure we’ll talk this out later, Mike.” With that, he sauntered away.

I caught Lincoln watching from across the room. He shook his head with disappointment, but I ignored him.

“How could you embarrass me like that, Michael?” Mia hissed.

I glowered at her. “I didn’t bring you here to flirt with my friends.”

The color seeped from her flushed face as she surveyed the room. I frowned as I followed her gaze to see what she was looking at. Lincoln hadn’t been the only one watching. Several guests stared in our direction with curiosity. As my jealous haze dissipated, I realized I’d becomethatguy. The foolish, jealous neanderthal who caused a scene at his best friend’s wedding.

Mia looked as if she wanted to be anywhere else but here.

“Mia, I didn’t mean to…”

She walked away, her steps brisk and her shoulders tense. I saw her eyes glisten with tears and her chin quiver before she stormed off, which made me feel like a gigantic ass. I let out a long, gusty sigh. I could go after her, but I was probably the last person she wanted to talk to. Plus, I needed to get my shit together before I approached her because I didn’t want to risk saying something stupid again.

I made my way towards a set of double glass doors. Everyone had stopped staring, but I still wanted to get away and get some air. Stepping onto the terrace, I found a corner that wasn’tvisible from inside. Leaning against the wall, I tucked my chin into my chest. Since when did I become so…emotional?

“Jesus,” I huffed.

“Hey, Michael. Are you okay?”

I looked up at the sound of the soft voice. Olivia approached, wearing a less extravagant white dress than the one she got married in. She still looked like a glowing bride, though. “I’m fine.”

She stopped beside me. “Are you sure? Things looked pretty intense inside. I told Alex to come check on you, but he said he wouldn’t risk approaching you while you’re in Ebenezer-mode… whatever that means.”

I rolled my eyes.

Olivia grinned. “I called him a big wuss and came to check on you myself.”

That made me chuckle. “I appreciate it. Did Mia come back?”


I heaved a sigh. “I’m such an idiot.”

“What happened? Not to pry, but you’re the most level-headed and composed one in the boy band.”

A grunt of amusement escaped me at her calling my friends and me a boy band.

“When I saw you lose your cool, I was worried.”

“It was nothing. Go back inside and enjoy your reception.”

She gave me a look that said she wasn’t going anywhere. We were quiet for a while. Usually, I didn’t like company when I was in a sour mood, but a few months with Mia in my life had softened me to the point of expressing myself a little more without difficulty. So I found myself blurting, “I have a…thinggoing on with my daughter’s nanny, and it’s complicated as fuck.”

Olivia turned to me with a little smile.

“You don’t look surprised.”

“Well… I suspected there was something between you two. Charlotte did too.”

“Did you two gossip about it?”

“You know we can’t help ourselves.”

Her sheepish look made me smile.

“So this thing, is it serious?” she asked.