“Michael won’t appreciate you asking Mia about his dating life,” Charlotte told her.
“Michael doesn't have to know,” Elena replied.
“We’re supposed to be talking about the bachelorette party,” Olivia said.
“And we will,” Elena assured. “After I hear about Michael’s status. Don’t get me wrong, the others are all swoon-worthy for sure. However, two are taken.” She gave Olivia and Charlotte a raised eyebrows stare. “Lincoln hasn’t even given me a second glance, and Spencer… Well, that hot Brit hasplayboywritten all over him, and I’m looking for something serious.”
“Since when?” Olivia asked incredulously.
“Since I hit thirty-three and my bestie is about to get hitched. I see how happy you are in domestic bliss, Livy, and I want that too. Michael looks like a prime candidate for stability. He just looks so steady, you know? The way he is with his daughter is so telling. That man knows how to treat a woman.”
“Yeah, he’s really… nice,” I said and then took a huge gulp of champagne. I wanted to say howincrediblehe was, but that would probably give away the feelings I was trying to hide.
“You see?” Elena nodded. “Mia would know. He looks like the kind of guy who has his life together, doesn’t get caught up in drama, and can be counted on.” Elena smiled as her gaze drifted over to the glass door where we could see Michael talking to his friends. “Plus, he’sgorgeous. That helps.”
Charlotte and Olivia giggled at that, but I continued to take huge sips of champagne. My stomach twisted slightly at her words. Elena was going to shoot her shot with Michael, and I didn’t stand a chance.
“Well, Mia?”
I glanced at her, trying to hide my misery.
“Is he single?”
Rubbing my nape, I shrugged. If I said no, that would be an outright lie. What we had was nothing serious, and if Michael somehow found out I said he wasn’t single, he’d likely be upset.If I said yes, Elena would make her move and probably be successful, and I’d die of a broken heart. I couldn't give away that he and I were sleeping together, either. What was a girl to do?
“Um… well…” I glanced back at Michael. He deserved to be happy. What if Elena was his Mrs. Right? He certainly didn’t think I was. I couldn’t stand in the way of his happiness. I looked back at Elena with a sad smile. “I don’t pay attention to his personal life like that.” I swallowed. “I’m just his daughter’s nanny, but maybe you should just ask him yourself if he’d be interested in…” I wanted to vomit or maybe tell Elena that she couldn’t have what was mine… but that was just wishful thinking. “Dating you.”
Elena considered and then nodded. “You know what Mia? You’re right. I’m sorry for bothering you. I’m not usually such a coward.”
“It’s not a bother,” I murmured, but I couldn’t even look at her.
“Alright, can we move on now?” Olivia asked.
As Olivia and Elena launched into the topic of what the ladies wanted to do for the bachelorette party, I caught Charlotte studying me. My face got hot because I got the impression that she saw something I wanted no one to see. I was about to inwardly freak out when she gave me a soft smile and joined the others in chatter.
Mia stepped out of Poppy’s room and gently closed the door. She gasped and clutched her chest when she turned around and saw me leaning against the wall.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” I said.
Her eyes darted around, landing everywhere but on me. That sinking feeling I’d been getting since we arrived in Boston returned. She’d been acting strange since the get-together at Alex and Olivia’s. Mia had been avoiding me as if her life depended on it, and I didn’t understand why. I racked my brain, wondering if I did or said something wrong.
“It’s okay.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“Are you alright?” I asked. What I really wanted to ask was werewealright.
“Sure. Poppy is out for the count.”
I peered at her in the semi-dark hallway. “Now we have some time to ourselves.”
She wrapped her arms around her middle and rocked back on her heels. “How about a rain check? I’m beat. I’ll just go back to my room and?—”
“Continue avoiding me?”