My face heated up several degrees. “I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine. I was telling the girls that we could discuss the bachelorette party on the terrace. It’s so nice out.”
I gaped at her like a speechless idiot because I was surprised to be involved. It was on the tip of my tongue to refuse because I wasn’t sure if Michael would like the idea of his nanny mingling with his friends’ wives. He’d invited me along to do my job, after all. However, Olivia was so kind, and I didn’t want to be rude. I figured I could join the group of ladies to be polite and simply not show up to the festivities.
“Um… sure, but…” I glanced around for Poppy.
Charlotte appeared beside Olivia. “Don’t worry about Poppy. She’s over there charming the heck out of the mother hens.”
I looked to where she pointed and smiled. Poppy was with Olivia and Alex’s mothers. They were her captive audience as she animatedly chatted to them about whatever. She was a little charmer, that one.
“Plus, the guys will keep an eye on her too,” Olivia said. “Come on. Michael won’t mind if you hang out with the girls for a bit.”
I swallowed and got up, somehow managing to keep a smile on my face. Hanging out with the girls didn’t appeal to me. Not because I didn’t like them, but because I had absolutely nothing in common with them. Surely, they’d figure out fast what a nobody I was. As I trudged toward the terrace behind Olivia and Charlotte, Elena came up beside me.
“Mia, honey…”
My eyebrows shot up at the endearment.
“I need a favor.”
“Er… Depends on what it is…” I eyed her dubiously as we walked side by side.
She laughed. “Don’t look so worried.”
We all stepped out onto the terrace. The summer breeze that hit me carried the faint scent of saltwater from the nearby harbor. It was late afternoon, so the city below was bathed in a soft yellow glow. The view from Alex’s apartment was lovely, but I was too stuck on Elena’s request to take it in.
“So what’s the favor?” I asked.
“You’re Michael’s nanny, right?”
My eyelashes fluttered down as I swallowed and nodded. “Correct.”
“So you have a little insight into his dating life.”
My gaze snapped back to her face. “Uh…”
“Elena,”Olivia warned. “Leave Mia alone. She’s not your personal matchmaker.”
Charlotte shook her head and said, “Don’t mind her, Mia. She’s a little nuts.”
“Actually, I’m alotnuts,” Elena said good naturedly. “And alotsingle.”
Olivia and Charlotte groaned, but there was affection in the sound as if they were used to Elena’s antics and were low-key entertained by them. I glanced at the woman. She really was a sweetheart and a bag of laughs, so I wasn’t offended by her question. I was more worried about her making a move on Michael and himlikingit and choosing her because she was his equal.
Elena rested her palms on my shoulders and led me to a chair that surrounded a glass table in the middle of the terrace. “Have a seat, Mia. I’m going to get us a drink.”
She disappeared back inside. The other two ladies joined me. Olivia smiled at me. “Don’t mind Elena, she’s…”
“Fun?” I finished.
Olivia’s smile oozed with affection. “Exactly.”
Elena returned with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. “Mia, let’s have a drink and talk, girlfriend. Those two can't indulge.” She pointed to Olivia, who was still breastfeeding, and Charlotte, who I learned was pregnant. “Sowe’rethe party.”
I chuckled. “Right on… girlfriend.” See? It was so hard not to like her. She was vivacious and entertaining… my kind of people. However, I felt a pang of resentment toward her because of her interest in Michael.
“So…” Elena swooped down into a chair beside me and lifted her glass. I lifted the one she handed me and tapped it against hers. “Is your boss single?”