Her comment was a clear indication of how awful the last batch tasted. “Yes! I’m getting better.”

“Uh-huh.” she nodded enthusiastically.

“Up-top, Kiddo.” I lifted my palm, and she slapped hers against it. As she giggled, I ruffled her hair. “Alright, eat up. Wehave thirty minutes before we hit the road.” She dug in, and I watched her with a smile.

Michael walked in a moment later, straightening his tie. “Good morning, ladies.”

“Morning, Daddy!” Poppy smiled, showing all teeth when she got a kiss on the forehead from him.

My heart fluttered with that feeling of longing that had become frequent lately. This whole domestic setup had me desiring something…more. What if I was more than Poppy’s nanny? What if Michael greeted me with a tender kiss when he walked in because I was more than the employee he’d started sleeping with?

When his gaze landed on me, I shoved away my foolish thoughts. “Morning. I made pancakes from scratch that taste like pancakes,” I said proudly.

Amusement danced in his eyes. “Congratulations.”

“Would you like breakfast?”

He hesitated. “You don’t have to go out of your way for me. I’ll grab something on the way to the office.”

“It’s fine. I made plenty. It won’t be anything like what your housekeeper makes, but it won’t poison you, I promise.” Giving him a sheepish grin, I added, “I tasted one before Poppy did to make sure.”

He chuckled. “Okay. Thanks.”

I happily skipped over to the stove, reveling in my minor accomplishment. My mother would be happy that I’d managed to put something edible together. When I turned around with Michael’s breakfast in hand, I caught him staring at me. My steps faltered, and I got hot all over. It was hard not to blush whenever he looked at me. The things we indulged in after hours were just… blush-worthy. To pretend as if nothing sexual was happening between us in front of others was getting harder.

I handed him his plate, avoiding his gaze. “Coffee?” I asked. “I put on a pot just a few minutes ago.”

“Sure, thanks.”

I saw him give me one last lingering look before joining Poppy at the counter. I was surprised he was still home. Usually, he left for the office much earlier. Then again, he’d probably woken up late because he was worn out after last night just as I was. Nowaday, Michael skipped his early morning workouts. He told me that choosing a treadmill over myhot little bodyin the mornings would be a crime. That, of course, had made me blush profusely.

As if he knew I was thinking about our late-night and early-morning sexcapades, he glanced at me. My breath hitched in my throat as it always did when those intense greens hit me. I busied myself pouring two cups of coffee. When I handed him his, our fingers touched. The slight contact had me so hot and bothered it was ridiculous.

“Thank you,” he murmured as he gave me one of those hot, dark, hungry looks that made me think he wanted to devour me, and that led to thoughts of how good he was with his mouth. I had to clench my thighs tightly to fight off a wave of arousal.

“You’re welcome,” I muttered as I grabbed my mug. “I’ll head to my room and give you guys time alone.”

I was on my way out when he said, “You don’t have to go.”

“Yeah, Mia, stay with us,” Poppy chirped.

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around. How could I deny the little angel anything? Smiling, I made sure to sit as far away from Michael as I could. Of course, I ended up across from him where he could easily look at me.

“Are you alright?” he asked, his eyes like lasers on my face.

“Of course.” I hated that I was so jumpy. It wasn’t as easy for me to play it cool as it was for him. I was always a nervous wreck around him in the presence of others, even his six-year-old, because I was constantly worried that someone would see my obvious feelings for him.

I kept my eyes down as I sipped my coffee. All the while I was painfully aware of Michael watching me.

“These do taste like pancakes,” he hummed, amusement lacing his words.

When I chanced a glance up, we locked eyes. “Thanks…”

My gaze skated away from him again, and my mind wandered. Maybe I should avoid situations like these… domestic moments with Michael and his child that made me feel like we were a family. With my mind in turmoil, it was hard to focus on Poppy who had launched into the topic of her uncle’s upcoming wedding. However, I managed to concentrate because she sounded so excited.

“I’m gonna be the best flower girlever,” she declared with enthusiasm. “That’s what Uncle Alex said.”

I laughed. It was adorable that her many godfathers doted on her.