Call me.
Panic flared in my chest as I stared at the note. My fingers tightened around it until the edges crumpled. My stomach twisted with dread, but more than anything, I felt anger bubbling up inside me.
“That asshole!” There were two assholes that I was desperate to get out of my life for good. One had been avoiding me for months. Not even the criminal he’d slighted could find him, sothere was no telling if he was even alive. The other asshole was the one shaking me down for money. I was certain it was the latter who had left the note. His arrogance practically resonated through the bold letters.
I crushed the paper in one hand as I grabbed my phone with the other. My hands shook as I scrolled to the number of the bookie, which was still burning up a space in my most recent calls. My thumb hovered over the call button for a second as fear crept in. However, I hit it before I could think twice. I couldn’t live like this, waiting for the next threat or the next knock on my door.
The line rang, and with each ring, the knot in my stomach tightened. Finally, the familiar voice that sent chills up my spine answered.
“Well, well, well,” he drawled. “It’s about time you called Mia.”
“What the hell is this about?” I snapped. “I paid you.All of it. Why are you still showing up at my place?”
The bookie let out a low chuckle, and the sound made my skin crawl. “Sure, you paid the amount your boyfriend owed, but there’s still the matter of interest.”
I froze. “What are you talking about? You never mentioned any interest before.”
“You took too long to pay up,” he said, his voice dripping with mockery. “You know how this works. Debts accumulate. You didn’t pay fast enough, so now there’s more to settle. Come on, Mia, this is a good thing. It means you and I will get to see each other more. We’ve been getting along well, wouldn't you say?”
I gritted my teeth. “That’s bullshit! I paid you everything he owed. You can’t just keep adding more!”
“Can’t I?” His tone was casual like he was talking about the weather. “Listen, we both know how this goes. Pay the interest, and we’ll be square… for now.”
Trepidation replaced my fury. The feeling crept in and wrapped its fingers around my heart and squeezed until I thought I’d faint. I knew what this was. Even if I paid the “interest,” he’d find some other excuse to keep coming back, and it would never end. He would use fear and intimidation to wring more money out of me for as long as he could. No wonder why that dickwad Logan has been in hiding this entire time. He probably knew you could never be free of these people.
“I’m not paying you another cent,” I said, my voice trembling. “You got what you wanted. I’m done.”
There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and when he spoke again, his voice was so low and cold that it put the fear of God into me. “You sure you want to play it that way, Mia? Because I’ve got people who can make your life a lot more complicated if you don’t play nice.”
My heart stuttered, but I swallowed the fear clawing at my throat. “I-I won’t let you keep doing this to me. You’re not getting anything else.”
The bookie laughed softly. “We’ll see about that. I know where to find you. I’m sure you’ll change your mind after my next visit.”
“I’ll go to the police.”
“I can’t stop you,” he said. “But remember what happens if you do.”
The line went dead, and I stood there with the phone still pressed to my ear as my entire body trembled. I was so screwed. Clearly, I’d bitten off more than I could chew. Why did I foolishly think I could handle criminals on my own?
Remember what happens if you do.The words echoed in my mind, taunting me. The first time I threatened to go to the police, he told me he’d make my life a living hell. Not just mine, but he said he’d find everyone I loved and fuck things up for them, too.
I couldn’t drag anyone else into this mess. In the beginning, I’d been worried about my brother and my parents. Now, I had Michael and Poppy in my life. The thought of Michael finding out what I was involved in sent a wave of shame crashing over me. How had I let things get this bad?
I paced outside Michael’s office for… I wasn’t even sure how long, contemplating if I should ask for help or not. Maybe I shouldn’t. He was my boss. He wasn’t responsible or obligated to bail me out of trouble. Plus, he’d seemed super stressed this evening.
He’d come home wearing that solemn mask that I’d been seeing less often. Of course, he was his usual sweet, attentive self to Poppy, but I knew something was wrong. Michael had become noticeably less tense lately, so it was easier to notice when he was wound tight.
I’d heard him on the phone earlier, really letting someone have a piece of his mind. Something was probably going on at work. The man was the head of an international business. I couldn’t bother him with my issues.
I walked off in the direction of my room, but froze when I heard, “Mia?”
I winced and snapped my fingers. “Yeah?”
“Get in here.”
Michael’s voice held a note of amusement, but I was still reluctant to face him. I felt so bad about bringing my trouble to his doorstep. Taking a deep breath, I pushed his door open and plastered on a smile. “Hey.”
“Hi.” He sat behind his desk, studying me intently. “Were you ever going to knock?”