She laughed, but it came out as another moan when I nipped her shoulder. “What about you?”

“You can make it up to me later. Get up here.”

She frowned. “Up where?”

“On my face. I want your sweet pussy in my mouth.”

Her jaw slackened, and her eyes widened. I had to bite back my smirk. She still wore her flabbergasted expression, but she scrambled to get into position.

“Good girl,” I murmured. That made her groan. I realized that for some reason, she liked when I uttered those two words. She was almost at her destination when the sound of thuds reached us. The sound rapidly got closer, and we both paused to glance at my bedroom door. I’d forgotten to lock it because I’d been so caught up in Mia last night.

A second before a tiny body barreled into the room, Mia disappeared. I heard the thud of her hitting the floor before I even processed what happened. Yanking the sheet up to my chest, I gawked at Poppy.

“Daddy!” She stopped in her tracks and studied me with bewilderment. “How come you’re still in bed?”

Even my six-year-old knew I never slept in this late, and I doubted she even understood the essence of time. I was also surprised that she was awake. “Good morning, sweetheart. Yes, I was really tired…”

My eyes slid in the direction where Mia had skillfully flipped off me and over the edge of the bed. How the hell did she move so fast and with such agility? I hoped she was alright down there. As I soaked in the situation, I wasn’t sure if I should be amused or absolutely mortified. Maneuvering a sex life around my kid had never been a thing before.

Poppy shrugged off her confusion and went into excited mode. She sprinted toward the bed and dove in. Again, I peered over the edge of the bed, but there was no trace of Mia. She was good.

“Come on, Daddy, we have to get Mia’s presents before she wakes up.”

She’d been so disappointed about not being able to surprise Mia last night. I told her it would be perfectly fine to give Mia her gifts the day after her birthday. “Right… Why don’t you go back to your room, and I’ll meet you there? We’ll get the gifts and put them in the kitchen, so Mia will be surprised when she comes out.”

Poppy bounced excitedly and beamed. “Okay.” She slid off the bed and scurried out the door with the energy only a child would have so early. “Mia is gonna be so happy!” Her voice carried as she moved down the hallway. It thought it was sweet how thrilled she was to do something for Mia. I admired the bond they’d so quickly formed. Speaking of the nanny…

I peeked over the edge of the mattress. “Mia?”

She army crawled from under the bed and peered up at me through wide eyes.

“Are you okay?” I asked. “It sounded like you landed pretty hard.”

“I’m fine.”

With the confirmation that she wasn’t hurt, I couldn’t stop the amusement that flooded me. “Who the fuck are you, Spiderman? How the hell did you flip like that?”

She grinned sheepishly. “No superpowers, just gymnastics as a kid.”

“Really?” I admired her naked body still sprawled on the floor. I was intrigued by that revelation. “Now I’m thinking about some interesting sex positions we can try…”

“Michael!” she hissed. “Poppy almost caught us…doing the do?—”

I chuckled at that.

“—and you’re making jokes?”

“I’m actually quite serious.”

She gawked at me, and I sighed. “Alright, that was a close call.”

What almost happened was serious, but it was so far removed from the usual orderly and calm start to my days that I had to find humor in it. Since I’d given in to my crazily intense desire for Mia, it seemed we had switched roles. My entire lifeI’dbeen the responsible, clear-headed one in the room and now my twenty-two-year-old nanny was reprimanding me. It was insane.

I jumped back into serious mode… reluctantly. As it turned out, I liked the more relaxed person I was with Mia. “Come on, it’s time for you to get off the floor. We’re safe for now.” I rolled off the bed and hurried to lock the door as she got up. Mia looked worried, so I reassured her. “She didn’t see or suspect anything, Mia. She’s six. I doubt her mind would even go there even if she glimpsed something.”

“You really think so?” She twisted her hands in front of her. “I’d hate to confuse her in any way. I mean, you said casual… right?”

We stared at each other for a moment until I nodded. “Casual,” I confirmed. “This is my fault. I should have locked the door, but I’m not accustomed to doing that. We’ll be more careful.”