We exchanged greetings and then the ribbing began.

“The professional scowler,” Alex began. “Would it kill you to smile once in a while, Mike? You too, Jamie. Lighten up, you guys.”

Jamie rolled his eyes but said nothing. I scowled, as my nickname suggested. “Shut up, Tadpole.” As always, he gave me a dirty look for the nickname I’d thrown on him since college. Granted, he wasn’t a scrawny seventeen-year-old anymore, but he was still the youngest of the five of us.

“Why don’t you focus on feeding your kid?” I nodded and gestured to the baby he cradled in one arm. Seeing Alexander Knight with a baby still amazed me. The playboy extraordinaire was the last person I expected to settle into domestic bliss.

“Can’t,” he said with his typical smirk. “I don’t have any milk-filled tits.”

The others chuckled, and I couldn’t smile.

“Alex,”a woman reprimanded in the background. However, there was a hint of amusement in her voice. I imagined that Olivia, Alex’s soon to be wife, called his name like that at least twenty times for the day.

A pair of arms appeared on screen to pluck the precious bundle from Alex. “Seeing as how I’m the one withthe tits, I’ll feed the baby.” Olivia said.

We all chuckled again and Olivia sang, “Hi, guys.”

There was a chorus of, “Hi, Liv.” Then she was gone.

“Babe, don’t start without me,” Alex said, craning his neck to follow Olivia’s exit. “You know I like to watch.”

“Oh my God, Alex,” Olivia groaned. “Your friends are on the line.”

He turned back to us with a sheepish expression. “Talk fast guys. I can’t stay long.”

Lincoln snorted. “Yeah, we got that.”

Jamie’s eyeballs rolled around as if he was considering something. “You know, Alex. Once upon a time, I would have called you a weirdo for wanting to watch your woman breastfeed, but now… I get it.”

“I’ll be damned,” Spencer said, leaning closer to peer at the screen. “Jamie, are you trying to tell us something? Is Charlotte…?”

Jamie’s smug little smile said it all.

There was a series of cheers and whistles.

I lifted my glass in salute. “Congratulations. That’s great.”

Jamie gave a quick glance over his shoulder. “When you guys see her at the wedding, donotsay a word about the pregnancy,” he hissed. “Just tell her she looks amazing andthin. Got it?”

Lincoln sniggered. “Got it.”

“Why do women get self-conscious about putting on a few extra pounds?” Alex shrugged. “It’s natural. It’s a beautiful thing.”

“Right you are, baby daddy,” Lincoln said.

“I, for one, don’t mind some curves,” Spencer announced. “More to love. And it isn’t about how a woman looks, it’s the beauty of her soul that’s important.”

“Jesus, Shakespeare is about to break out into song,” I joked.

Lincoln chuckled. “Well, Spencer, you and I are the odd men out. We don’t have any little ones running around or any on the way.”

The guys launched into a conversation about how things had changed for us since college. Back then, we all sang the same tune… no steady relationships. Presently, two of us had gottenknocked off the no-commitment wagon. I barely heard a thing they said because my mind kept straying to Mia… and her date. Was she having a good time? Did she like the guy? Would she go home with him? My jaw tightened at the thought.

I glanced at my watch. It was almost midnight, and she wasn’t home yet… I then thought about how Mia would tease me for looking at my watch and for being such a stickler for time. God help me.Whycouldn’t I get the woman out of my head?

“Hey, Mike, did you hear what I said?”

I blinked as Alex’s voice penetrated myMia-haze,and I zoned back into the conversation. “Huh?”