“Actually, I came home early to have a chat with you.”

My heart dropped. “Oh?”

He turned to Poppy, who had taken up her tablet and was focused on it. “Poppy, would you mind going to your room for a few minutes?”

She shook her head and slid off the chair without question. That kid was so unproblematic she made me want to have lots of kids as long they were as well-behaved as she was. When Michael and I were alone, my heart plummeted some more. Clearly, this was a serious discussion. Panic clawed its way up my chest. This was it. The moment I got fired. Maybe he was still pissed about last month or my few late arrivals.

“If this is about me running late a few mornings, I’m sorry,” I said as I watched him in hope of gauging his mood from his expression. Of course, with Michael, that wasn’t always possible.

“It’s not, but I have the solution to that.”

“You do?”

He folded his arms over his chest. “This is something Poppy and I both want to ask, but I figured I’d get your response first. I don’t want her to be disappointed in case?—”

“Oh my gosh, Michael. I’m freaking out here. Just tell me. Am I fired?”

“What?No.” His eyebrows furrowed. “Why would you think that? I want to ask you to move in with us…” The slightest tinge of pink crept into his cheeks, and I almost gasped aloud. Michael didn’t blush. “I mean, I’m offering you a live-in position.”

I gawked as my heart slowly rose from the depth of my stomach.

“I usually wait a while to see if it’s a good idea for the nanny to share a living space with us. You’re one of two out of the many who’s made it to the live-in offer stage.”

A little laugh escaped me. “I see.”

“You’ve been amazing, Mia. Poppy will be comfortable with you staying here. She’s been dying for me to ask you.”

I almost asked him if he’d be comfortable, too. The weird energy between us was obvious.

“Well, what do you think?” he asked. “Would you be comfortable staying here? You’ll make more and skip the hectic morning commute. We’ll also avoid our morning collisions, and I’ll save a ton on coffee and dry cleaning…”

If I had blinked a second sooner, I would have missed the teasing glint that flickered in his eyes and the subtle lift of one corner of his lips. He was so serious when he messed with me, it often took me a moment to realize. I rolled my eyes. “Very funny, but you might be right. I’m sorry about the coffee spills and your suits.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll give you time to think about my offer.”

“I don’t need time. I accept.” My face got hot because I might have sounded too hungry for the extended hours. I was because more money meant I could pay off the debt dropped on me faster. Plus, living in luxury while working was a bonus. Let’s not get started on how relieved I was to get a break from my apartment… The place that was known to the criminal who hounded my existence. Michael and his daughter were turning out to be my saviors.

He was so good at hiding his emotions until he wanted you to see them that I wasn’t sure how he felt until he smiled. “I’m glad. Poppy will be thrilled. I’m going to get her. Do me a favor and pretend you’re being asked for the first time when we make the requesttogether.”

The broadest grin appeared on my face. “You got it.”

Only when I was left alone, did I allow my excitement to burst through. Letting out a squeal, I fist pumped the air. As the thrill vanished, concern slithered in. I was about to move in with the man I secretly pined for.

“Don’t overthink it,” I whispered. How hard could it be to continue ignoring my desire for an epic romance with my boss while living with him?



I poured myself a drink and settled onto one of the sofas facing the window. The view of LA from my living room was magnificent. Thousands of lights stretched before me to meet the dark line of the horizon.

The view was breathtaking, and my eyes remained glued to it as I took a slow sip from my glass. Yet I couldn’t really soak in the beauty of the scenery because Mia was on a date. A fuckingdate! I shouldn’t care, but dammit, I did.

She had moved in on Monday, and by Friday I learned about the godforsaken date from Amber. Tonight, I saw her leave in a dress that left little to the imagination to go out with some other fucker… I kind of hated myself for being so jealous because that kind of emotion was never a thing for me before her.

After she shut things down between us last month, I’d resigned myself to our awkward moments but was determined to make things work out professionally. Mia was a goddamn super nanny, and I didn’t want to lose her. I’d been doing just fine, lusting over her from afar, until she started to date.

As I heaved a sigh, my phone went off. I picked it up from the coffee table and answered without looking at the screen. I knewit was the guys because we’d planned our meeting. Even though we were scattered in different cities now, we made sure to link up regularly, whether in person or via video. Four faces popped up on my screen. Two were smiling… Lincoln and Spencer. One wore a teasing smirk… the insufferable Alex. The other was as serious as I was… the solemn Jamie.