Michael glanced at his watch as he always did. “Being five minutes late isn’t the end of the world, Mia. Poppy isn’t even up yet.”
His eyes swept my face and then he opened his mouth to say something but closed it. He’d done that a lot since we had sex, as if there was something he wanted to say that he didn’t get to say a month ago.
He cleared his throat and stepped around me without another word. I turned to watch him walk away with longing. Last month, I’d been adamant about keeping things professional, and I still wanted that, but I still wantedhim, too. It was sheer torture being in his space every day and ignoring my attraction to him.
“Hey, Mia.”
I wiped the expression of desperate longing off my face to smile at Amber, who was coming from the direction of Michael’s home office. She carried a couple of filing envelopes.
“Morning, Amber. How’s it going?”
“Great. Just stopped by for these.” She held up the envelopes. Glancing toward the kitchen, she lifted an eyebrow. “You look worried. What’s wrong?”
While I was worried about getting the boot from this job at any moment, I was more concerned about my emotional wellbeing, and my heart…
Still, I couldn’t tell Amber that. “Nothing that serious. I almost ruined another of Michael’s suits. Hurricane Mia strikes again.”
Amber laughed.
It was the third time this month that I’d almost ran him over and spilled his coffee. He started calling me Hurricane Mia after the second incident. I was relieved he at least joked about it.
“Don’t worry,” Amber said. “Michael has gotten used to the excitement you bring around here. I think he secretly likes it.”
My gaze shifted away from Amber. She still had no idea our boss and I had history… of the sexual kind.
“Before you wake Poppy, I have great news,” she sang.
“You do?”I smiled and moved closer.
“I’m going to the opening of this new club Saturday night with a guy I’mkinda-sortainterested in dating.”
Intrigued, I dropped my handbag on the sofa. “Kinda-sorta?”
“I’ll know for sure after our date Saturday. He has this friend…”
I shook my head. I already knew where she was going with this. “Amber, no.”
“Hear me out.”
“I don’t do blind dates anymore.”
She lifted an eyebrow. “I detect a story here.”
“One I’m never telling.” Especially since it featured our boss. He’d kill me if I told Amberhowwe met before he hired me.
She pouted but didn’t press. “Mia, this will be a favor to me. Dating is so…arghnowadays. You know?”
I nodded. Funnily enough, I knew exactly what she meant byargh.
“I need a buffer Saturday, and you’re it.”
“I’m not.”
She rested a hand on my shoulder. “You are, because I know you’re single, and a gorgeous, amazing woman like you should be dating or at least exploring her options.”
My lower lip protruded into a pout. That was exactly my mindset three months ago before Michael. Now, I was so hung up on him, I hadn’t even thought about my quest to find Mr. Right. Maybe I was pathetic for pining for a man I had no future with.
“Please, Mia.” Amber mimicked my pout. “Let me just say, I’ve never desired to hang out with any of Poppy’s nannies until you, missy. You’re special.”