Those two words did something to me, and I wasn’t even sure why. I just felt like I wanted to please him, to hear them again. I moaned loudly when his hands slid up my torso and he palmed my breasts. The way he squeezed and teased my hypersensitive nipples heightened my arousal. The slick friction drove me to the heights of ecstasy. I had to wonder if sex was always this good or if this time with Michael was so intense because of the tension that had simmered between us for weeks.
My head fell back, and a cry erupted as my orgasm hit me harder than I expected. However, it was muffled. I was so absorbed in the moment, that it took me a moment to realize that Michael had a hand clamped over my mouth… because I almostscreamed. Although music and chatter were going on inside the house, someone might have heard me.
As my entire body quivered and I floated in a cloud of bliss, I mumbled my apology into his hand. He let out a little laugh that turned into a drawn-out groan as my wall spasmed around him. His body went taut, and without warning, he cupped my nape and tugged me down to cover my mouth with his.
The kiss was frantic, almost desperate as his body shook with his release. As we clung to each other, waves of pleasure still moved through me until they gradually receded. For a moment, the entire world was still with only the sound of our ragged breathing and the warmth of our connected bodies.
I didn’t bask in the blanket of complete bliss for long because the reality of what we’d done seeped in fast. I slowly lifted my head to look at him. He stared back, and I saw the turmoil gathering in his eyes. That raging lust that told us to ignore the possible consequences of crossing the professional line was gone, and we were both caught up in thatoh-shit-what-did-we-domoment.
Michael seemed to be in a better space than I was. Then again, he had much better control over his emotions than I ever would. “Mia,” he began. “That was…” Even as he inhaled deeply, he tenderly swept a tendril if my hair behind my ear. “I guess now we talk…”
I tried to swallow the panic clawing its way up my throat. I shook my head. Talk? We couldn’t do that…Icouldn’t. Not now, anyway. I still reeled from the recognition of my deeper feelings for him. Plus, he was still inside me, for goodness’ sake.
He must have seen my apprehension because, as he watched me, his brows furrowed and he let me go. I instantly scrambled off him and blushed profusely as we both stared at our combined fluids running down my thigh. The realization that we didn’t use protection seemed to stun us both into silence because we just sat there in the treehouse and stared at my leg for the longest time.
With my face scorching, I finally moved and reached for my underwear. “I’m going to get cleaned up.”
Michael snagged my wrist, and I reluctantly met his gaze. “We’re going to talk,” he said.
I wanted to roll my eyes at his decree. Did he have any idea how utterlybossyhe sounded? “Fine, but I’d prefer we did that without your semen pouring out of me,” I hissed. “So we’ll talklater.”
He dropped my wrist, and his eyes widened slightly. Maybe he was shocked that I spoke to him like that because he was the one who usually gave the orders. In true, annoyingly controlled Michael fashion, he inclined his head and cooly stated, “As you wish.”
I glowered at him because I couldn’t help it. I was kind of jealous of his ability to have his shit together even at a time like this. A tiny part of me was smug that I’d seen him lose his cool on a few occasions, though, like tonight. I suspected not many got to see that.
The air around us sparked with awkwardness as we dressed… Maybe I was the only one feeling it. He was dressed first and made his way out of the treehouse. As I made my way down the ladder, I stiffened when I felt hands circle my waist to help me the rest of the way. Right now, Michael’s touch was like a live wire. I was actually afraid of it because the tension between us felt like it might spark an electrical fire.
His hands lingered on my waist a moment too long even after I was on solid ground, and heat surged through me. He spun me around to face him, and my breath hitched in my throat.
“Look, Mia,” he began. “We’ll talk later as you requested, but I don’t want things…”
The swish of the sliding door opening interrupted him. We turned to stare at the porch like guilty teens caught making out as Aunt Neddy and Poppy stepped out hand-in-hand.
“There you two are,” Neddy said. “You’ve been missing for a while. We started to worry.”
To my dismay, the entire family came out to crowd the porch. The music from Neddy’s birthday celebration filtered out as more than half a dozen pairs of eyes fixated on us.
“Michael, I heard you laughing earlier…loudly.” His mother gazed at him as if he were a different creature than the one she gave birth to.
Michael’s dad folded his arms over his chest as his gaze swung between his son and me. I wanted to sink into the ground. Our wet, disheveled appearance must have painted a clear picture. His uncle and other aunts watched us with silly, knowing grins.
“Um… There was a toad…” I said lamely and immediately wanted to facepalm myself.
Michael gave me a raised eyebrow look before he took control of the situation. He stepped in front of me, and I gratefully hid behind him.
“Alright everyone,” he said. “The show’s over. Go back inside. We’re fine.”
“Were you and Mia playing in the treehouse, Daddy?” Poppy asked.
I cringed.Kill me now.
Michael’s inhale was audible as if he, too, stirred in unease. “Sure, sweetheart. Mia and I were playing in the treehouse…”
Aunt Neddy snickered, but she stopped and instantly looked repentant. I couldn’t see Michael’s face since I was hiding behind him, but I could imagine the sharp look he gave his aunt to cut off her amusement.
“Well, since you two are fine, we’ll leave you alone,” she said. She gave us a smug look before gathering the troops to lead them back inside.
Michael and I remained by the treehouse, staring at the door.