“We should get out of the water,” she whispered. “It’s getting cold.”

I swallowed hard as I took her in. Her eyes were wide and her hair soaked. I followed a drop of water that fell off her eyelashes and trailed down to the corner of her mouth. I had the urge to lick the droplet away.

“Yeah, we should…” Yet, we didn’t move. My voice was so thick with need, I didn’t even recognize it. The air became charged with that sexual tension that had been looming over us since… Well, since the night of our blind date.

The space between us shrank as I leaned forward. I heard the slight hitch in her breath, but she didn’t pull away. Her gaze was glued to mine, and I saw the invitation in her golden eyes. The space between us slowly disappeared. My pulse sped up as I leaned in until I felt her warm breath on my lips.

Her eyes fluttered closed before I pressed my mouth to hers. On contact, my valued control vanished—that happened a lot with Mia. The kiss was voracious, reflecting weeks of pent-up desire and tension. As she matched my hungry movements, I wondered if, like me, she’d had sleepless nights thinking about the one we had together. I’d spent plenty of time trying to convince myself that what happened was a one-time thing and that I didn’t want to do it again. But I’d stopped lying to myself about it two weeks ago…

Mia’s arms wound tighter around my shoulders, and she pressed her body to mine. A tortured groan rumbled in my throat. I wanted her naked. I wanted to be buried inside her. I wanted?—

She yanked her mouth away from mine. “Michael, we shouldn’t.”

I gritted my teeth and searched for that control I usually had. It was the hardest thing to find. “No, we shouldn’t.”

Yet, she didn’t let go of me. I still held on to her, too. As she stared at my mouth, my arousal mounted. She had to have felt my cock twitching and rising, begging for another taste of her. Blowing out a breath, I disentangled us.

“Let’s get out here.” I was making out with the nanny in a pond in my aunt’s backyard where anyone could walk out and see us. What was I thinking? I grabbed on to the deck and pulled myself out of the water. When I reached out to offer Mia a hand, she ignored it and pulled herself up. My lips twisted into a wry smile. Maybe she was onto something. If we made even the slightest contact after that kiss, I’d likely take her right here on this deck, consequences be damned.

We stared at each other for a moment and spoke at the same time.



“You first,” I said.

“Look, that was… I didn’t mean… Last night… That night two months ago was…”

My gaze was glued to her mouth as she spoke, but I didn’t hear a word she said. All I could think about was how good she tasted.Allof her. The memories of our one-night stand were incredibly vivid. I looked lower and sucked in a breath. Her wet shirt had become see-through, and I gawked at the outline of her breasts. I’d sucked on her nipples before, and I wanted to do it again…

“Michael, did you hear a word I said?”

My eyes snapped back to her face. Instantly, I felt bad for zoning out and missing every word. I’d turned into a horny teenager. “I’m sorry. I’m usually a great listener.”

She blinked slowly, those doe eyes of hers drawing me in further. Pink highlighted her cheeks as she realized I’d been staring at her tits and that’s why I didn’t hear a thing she said. Her eyelashes lowered to hide her eyes, and her teeth sank into her lower lip. She looked so… fuckable.

“Michael…” she began.

She didn’t get another word out because I captured her mouth again. Fuck it. I’d have her again and assuage the burning need for her that I couldn’t shake. Just as my logical self checked in to remind me that she was expressing some kind of concern a moment ago, and maybe she didn’t want this, she moaned and threw her arms around me. We were on the same page.

As our tongues clashed, my hands roamed, copping a feel of everything I could.

“We’re in your aunt’s backyard,” she moaned.

“Mmm-hmm.” I cupped her ass and lifted her. As soon as her legs wound around my waist, I was on the move, heading to the tree house.

“We said this wouldn’t happen again,” she panted, her words muffled by my hungry mouth.

“Mmm-hmm.” I plunged my tongue between her lips to explore.

We passed the back porch where Irish traditional music, which Aunt Neddy loved, filtered outside. I put Mia down in front of the ladder that led up to the tree house. It wasn’t the typical child’s treehouse, but a massive one that had enough space for two adults. It was Aunt Neddy’s and my pride and joy back in the day because we worked on it for an entire summer… and I was about to make love to my daughter’s nanny in it.

Mia glanced up at the structure and then back at me with a tilted head.

I shrugged. We couldn’t exactly stroll through my aunt’s party soaking wet on our way to a bedroom, could we? “Do you mind?” I asked, my eyes boring into her.

In response, she turned and started climbing. Satisfaction surged through me. A little shock hit me, too. Was I, Mr. Responsible, really going to have sex with Mia in atreehouse? This was so far removed from my typical behavior. However, as I gazed at her delectable ass as she ascended, the little logic that was hanging by a thread seeped away.