“You know, Michael was a handful as a child. Well, at least before he hit puberty. He was always getting into mischief. His mother often sent him out here to spend holidays with me. My poor sister couldn’t handle the energetic little imp.”
“No way.” I grinned. “I never would have guessed.” I’d just assumed Michael was born with that no-nonsense scowl he often wore.
“What’s an imp?” Poppy asked.
“The same thing you are… you little imp.” Michael tapped her nose, and she giggled.
I smiled at Poppy’s skill to just let everything roll off her shoulders.
“Did you know he was born in Ireland?” Neddy asked.
My eyes widened. “Really? Michael, you never told me that on our…”
Michael’s gaze slid to me. His look was so sharp, I was almost sliced in half.
On our date.I mentally slapped my forehead for the near slip up in front of his aunt and daughter.
Neddy watched us with curiosity even as she continued. “Yes, he lived there for the first year of his life.”
“My father’s work contract ended over there, and he brought Mom and me back here to Minnesota,” Michael shared. He then gave his aunt another reprimanding look. “That’s enough of the stories, Neddy.”
Neddy huffed. “Don’t be rude, Michael.”
“I’m not. I just don’t think the nanny needs to hear the entire family history,” he bit out.
As an awkward silence engulfed us. My gaze lowered to my lap as the sting of his words settled in. I tried to ignore it because he was right. I was just the nanny. However, the reminder left me chilled.
Neddy’s eyes narrowed to slits as she looked at Michael. Thankfully, she didn’t prolong the argument because I wanted it to end. Although I was dying to go back inside, I didn’t want to be rude for Neddy’s sake, as she’d told me to stay. So, I embraced the awkwardness and tried to distract myself with the scenery in the backyard.
The lush greenery surrounding the pond and the huge treehouse on one end—Neddy told me she and Michael made it when he was twelve—was a world away from the LA scene.
I guess my silence made Michael regret his tone because when my attention zeroed back in on everyone, I caught him watching me with a slight frown. If we had been alone, I would have told him he didn’t have to feel bad. I agreed that it was best if we kept each at arm’s length.
My steps faltered when I walked through the backdoor and saw Mia sitting on the deck. Her feet were in the water, and she swung them back and forth as she stared into the dark depths. I almost went back inside, but Mia must have heard when the door slid open.
Without looking back, she said, “I can go inside if you want your space.”
I stood there, stupidly staring at her back, and wondering if she knew it was me.
“Should I take your silence as a yes or no, boss?”
I hesitated for a moment before walking toward her. “How did you know it was me?”
“I heard the sternness and intensity in your footsteps.”
She glanced over her shoulder and grinned at me. A typical playful twinkle lit up her eyes, which surprised me because I knew her feelings were hurt earlier. However, Mia didn’t stay upset about things for long. I liked that about her.
“On a serious note, your aunt hinted that seeing your father would upset you,” she revealed. “Plus, you don’t like being incrowds for too long. I figured you’d come through the door sooner or later.”
My eyebrows elevated. My aunt seemed to have taken a liking to oversharing with Mia. It was strange because she barely tolerated the other nannies the few times she’d interacted with them. The unease that usually swamped me when the topic of my old man came up didn’t hit me quite as hard. I suspected that was because I was comfortable talking to Mia. There was no denying it, considering how I tended to put my guard down in her presence, which usually led to us kissing or having an entire night of hot sex…
My jaw tightened as I exercised great willpower to eradicate those images from my mind. However, I really didn’t want to. I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted her in my bed again.