“So the nanny curse is nannies with ulterior motives?” I asked.
He chuckled. “Pretty much. I worry about the instability for Poppy. I mean, I’m already traveling so often… I just want another stable presence in her life.” He pinned me with his eyes.“She’s connected with you more than she has with any of the others. Don’t disappoint her, Mia. I can’t stop you from leaving the job, but if you ever want to, just do it the right way. Don’t just disappear on her… and on me.”
His beseeching tone was shocking. I suspected Michael never begged for anything. This man, who obviously had trust issues, trusted me with his daughter. The intensity in his eyes, the vulnerability I could hear in his voice—it was shocking and a little heartwarming. I was staring at the man I’d met on a blind date. The one who had captivated me at first sight.
“I won’t, Michael.” My voice was barely above a whisper.
He searched my face as if looking for the truth… or was he looking for something else? Because his stare was much too intense. Did he move closer to me, or was I the one to move? My heart skipped a beat, and my breath snagged in my throat when his lips touched mine. A little sigh escaped me. It was like I was relieved to feel the weight of his mouth on mine again. I’d only thought about itevery daysince our night together.
Michael made that same growling sound. The one that said his control had fled the building. It was so sexy and such a turn-on. I moaned in delight when he cupped my nape to pull me closer and managed to haul me over my seat and right onto his lap.
His palm slid up my thigh, branding me through my jeans. I wound my arms around his shoulder, desperate to get closer. I wiggled in my mission to feel more of him, and my ass nudged the hardening bulge at his crotch.
He groaned. “Fuck, Mia…”
His voice reached me through my passionate daze, knocking sense into me. What was I doing? I had the chance to not mess uponething in my life—this job—and there I was making out with my boss. “Micheal… stop…”
My words were muffled by his mouth, but they got through to him. He yanked his lips away from mine, and we stared at each other for a moment. While my heart hammered in my chest, he glanced at the closed door to the bedroom where Poppy slept, and his eyes widened. I guess it dawned on him that he just had his mouth and hands all over the nanny while his daughter was just a few feet away.
When he looked back at me with a hint of horror, I realized I still sat on his lap, and I scrambled to get up. During my shuffle, Michael clenched his jaw and held his palms up as if he was afraid to touch me again, even in the slightest way.
Breathless and face scorching, I threw myself in the seat across from him and clutched my chest. What should I do? What should I say?Oh God.How did that even happen?
“I…” Michael started, his voice rough as if he was struggling to find his composure. He stuck a finger in his collar and tugged as if he needed more air. “I’m sorry, Mia. That was… I didn’t mean to…”
I’d never heard him flustered, so I just gawked at him.
“Ah,shit,” he groaned as he shoved his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry,” he repeated.
“No.No… Th-that was…” Great, now I was a stuttering mess.
He shook his head. “Ikissed you.Iapologize.”
Was that what happened? I wasn’t clear on who kissed who first. I just remembered us kissing the hell out of each other.
“It won’t happen again,” he said.
He trusted me. I couldn’t disappoint him, even if it meant I had to pretend I wasn’t into him, forget that we had incredible chemistry, that we slept together… and that I wanted to sleep with him again.
We certainly couldn’t have any more personal conversations like we just did. Telling him about my offer for a threesome and a guy wanting me to give him a golden shower during sex wasbeyond inappropriate. He was mybossnow. None of it could happen again.
“It won’t,” I said firmly. However, deep down, I didn’t feel all that confident…
When our staring contest got too intense, I broke eye contact and got up. “I should go check on Poppy. We’re landing soon, right?” The flight to Minnesota wasn’t long.
He glanced at his watch and nodded. Then right before my eyes, he transformed from blind date Michael, as I called the man I met two months ago, back into stony-faced boss Michael. I suppose it was for the best.
Michael and I only had one more uneasy moment since we’d gotten to his aunt’s house last night, which wasn’t so bad. I expected a lot more… Then again, we’d only had the one because I’d been avoiding moments alone with the man as if my life depended on it. So far, I loved my job, and I intended to keep it. That meant no more kissing the boss or doing anything else besides nannying.
I loved his aunt, too. Bláthnaid Walsh, who went by Neddy, was one hell of an amusing character. When Poppy was out of earshot, she swore like a sailor, spoke her mind, drank Guinness like water, and constantly teased Michael about being aworkaholic sourpuss… She was my kind of woman, and I looked forward to spending the day with her and Poppy.
The three of us lounged in the backyard, which was more like a mini-forest with a huge pond in the center of it. “Would you like me to give you and Poppy some time alone, Neddy?” I asked. She’d been a lovely host, but I didn’t want to impose on the family too much.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said, her words heavily accented. “The little lass and I don’t mind having you with us.” She gently pinched Poppy’s cheek. “Do wemo stoirín.”