“Get back a shit ton of money?” Mia finished.


“Interesting. What do you call this field of shit-ton money-making?”

My lips twitched into the beginning of a smile, but I dared not let it come out. I couldn’t have Mia knowing that she made me want to smile and laugh. “I’m in the private equity business.”

“Ah.” She nodded. “Sounds like a drag, but I guess it’s worth it. I mean, you flit around in a private jet and wear fancy suits every day.”

“I do notflit.”

Mia giggled. “Yes, you do. I’ve worked for you for three weeks, and you’ve gone on about five business trips since. Speaking of, when you travel, you don’t have to call every five minutes when I do overnighters at your place. I haven’t burned the apartment down, thrown a rave, or shown Poppy how to bungee jump from your terrace… yet.”

I lifted an eyebrow, and she held up both hands as if I was about to arrest her. “That was a joke, Michael. I swear.”

“I know it was. I’ve come to realize you take nothing seriously.”

“On the contrary, I take looking after Poppy seriously.”

“From what I’ve gathered, that’s theonlything.”

I was taken aback by her crestfallen expression followed by her outburst.

“You know, Michael, I know you’ve been waiting for me to screw up just like everybody else. I take this job seriously. I take proving to you that I’m not an awful person seriously.” She threw her hands up. “My God! Can’t somebody have an ounce of faith in me foronce? Maybe I wouldn't be such a failure if someone did.”

As I gawked at Mia, she stared back. I watched pink fill her cheeks and then spread throughout her entire face.

“Are we still talking about the same thing…?” I asked.

Her teeth sank into her lower lips. “Oh, wow. That was so unprofessional. I’m sorry. You aren’t going to fire me, are you?” She eyed me warily. “I’m not crazy…”

When all I did was raise my eyebrows, she blushed harder and then got up. “I’ll leave you alone now.”

“Mia, wait.”

She turned back, although she was clearly reluctant.

“I’m sorry if I offended you. I didn’t mean to. I’m not going to fire you, by the way.”

“That’s a relief,” she muttered. She had yet to meet my gaze. I wanted to tell her she didn’t have to be embarrassed about her outburst, but maybe mentioning that would make things worse.

I nodded to the seat she vacated. “Please, sit.” She looked so miserable—although I wasn’t exactly sure why—I figured I should thank her for the last few weeks. I felt like I owed it to her.

Her shoulders were practically touching her ears, but she did as I requested.

“I didn’t mean any harm by my comment,” I told her. “I think it’s a good thing you don’t take yourself too seriously. That’s what makes you so good for Poppy and…” For a moment there, I almost lost my head and told her she was good for me too. I supposed she was because watching her interact with my daughter brought me joy. But I had to be careful how I worded things, considering thenanny curse.

“You think so?” she asked. Her shoulders relaxed, and her expression softened.

“Yes. It’s only been a few weeks, but I can already see how much she benefits from having you around. You’re warm and bubbly, and hell, I think you’re the only nanny who’s been able to keep up with her so far.”

That made Mia laugh. “She’s full of energy alright.”

I nodded. “And so are you. It’s a perfect fit. Thank you.”

Her eyebrows cinched. “For what?”

“For being here forPoppy.” I really hoped she didn’t change like the others did. “You don’t have anything to prove to me anymore, Mia. I know you’re not an awful person. You’ve been doing an amazing job so far.” My eyes swept over her face, and I was pleased to see the worry leave her eyes. Being sentimental and soft wasn’t my forte, but I felt like she needed to hear that.