I swallowed the delighted squeal that wanted to burst from me. “Let me think about it.”
He nodded and sat back.
Barely three seconds later, I said, “I’ve thought about it.”
Michael’s eyebrows popped up, and a ghost of a smirk played on his lips. I ignored his smugness and got up with my hand outstretched. “I accept your offer, and yes, I can start immediately.”
He rose, and I had to crane my neck to maintain eye contact. His presence ate up the space in my living room. His big, warm hand wrapped around mine, and I struggled to keep my expression neutral. Michael glanced down at our connected hands and something I couldn’t read—because he masked it so quickly—flickered in his eyes before he let go.
“Don’t make me regret this, Mia.”
I rolled my eyes. “Chill, will you?” Realizing that I sounded super unprofessional, I cleared my throat and straightened my shoulders. “I mean, I won’t. You have my word… boss… sir. Jesus,whatdo I call you now?”
“Michael will do,” he said.
“Gotcha.” I winked. “But I’ll usebosssometimes. I like it.”
He gave me a long-suffering look as if he’d been putting up with my antics for a while. He then shook his head and murmured something about chaos and trouble… I guess I was the chaos and the trouble.
The sound of little girl giggles filled the jet’s cabin. I glanced up from my laptop to take in the picture across from me. Mia and Poppy were snuggled together in one of the seats with a blanket thrown over them.
Mia’s arms circled Poppy as she read to her. The scene flooded me with warmth because my daughter looked so happy. Amber was right. It was like she’d been craving the right female attention all these years, and she’d finally gotten it. She’d never looked so at ease with any of the previous nannies.
My gaze zeroed in on Mia. She was one-hundred percent focused on entertaining Poppy with her ridiculous character voices. Not once did she look my way with suggestive glances or smiles. She hadn’t tried to get alone time with me during the weeks she’d been with us either. The last nanny actually asked me for that, and I’d been flabbergasted. You’d think I had hired her formyentertainment rather than to babysit my kid.
I was convinced that all the nannies before were insane, but it seemed I made a good choice this time… thanks to my assistant. Mia was here forPoppy,and that warmed my heart. I returned my attention to the work I was catching up on. However, theirlaughter was so infectious that, despite my efforts to stay focused on the spreadsheets and contracts, I found myself listening to their amusing conversations and smiling.
“Mia, your voices aresogood,” Poppy gushed. “You make the stories a lot better.”
I snorted my amusement. It wasn’t until it got quiet and two pairs of eyes swung to me that I realized I’d done it out loud. “Poppy is right,” I said as they continued to stare. “Your voices are great. Top-notch acting. Award-winning material.”
Mia chuckled. “Thanks. Finally, something I’m good at. This is a monumental moment for me.”
I heard something in Mia’s voice that made me take another look at her. She sounded a little sad. However, in true Mia fashion, she perked back up quickly. “I bet your dad does great voices when he reads you bedtime stories.”
Poppy cupped her hand to whisper something in Mia’s ears, which made her laugh. I lifted my eyebrows. “You’re sharing secrets with Mia now? I thought I was yourbestestfriend.”
Mia smirked at me. “Don’t you mean best friend?”
I shook my head. “Bestest is correct.”
“I have a best friend at school,” Poppy explained. “And Daddy is mybestestfriend.”
Mia pursed her lips—to hold back her laugh, I suspected. “I see.”
“But it seems I’ve been demoted,” I said. “Mia has taken my spot.”
Poppy eyed me with a look of concern and guilt that almost made me laugh.
“Are you mad, Daddy?” she asked.
Biting back my grin, I replied, “Not at all, my little flower. I suppose you should have abestestfriend who isn’t as old and boring as Mrs. Peters and I are.”
Patches of crimson formed on Poppy’s cheeks. She guiltily looked down at her blanket-covered feet. I guess she still felt bad about being mean to the previous nanny. “You’re notthatold.”