A moment later, the door swung open, revealing a tall, dark-skinned woman with striking features. She looked a little frazzled, but her gaze was steady on me.
“Hello…” Her gaze dipped, taking me in from head to toe and back up.
Her confused expression made me frown.Jeez.Maybe she was appalled by my appearance. I should have put on a business suit like the one she had on… but I didn’t expect them to want Mary Poppins, for goodness’ sake.
“You are…?”
“I’m Mia Clarke. I’m here to interview for the nanny position.”
The woman’s eyes widened. “Are you from the agency? Because I was specific about who we wanted. You are…” She gave me another quick but thorough assessment. “Not matronly.”
I canted my head and frowned. “Erm… I guess not…”
A phone rang in the background, and she looked over her shoulder. “Shoot. I need to get that.” She waved me in as she scurried off.
I took a hesitant step inside and looked around. I was alone in the foyer, so I admired the surroundings. Of course, the room was just as lovely and sophisticated as the lobby and the people in it.
“Must be nice living it up in a place like this,” I muttered. The woman, who I assumed was the missus of the castle, didn’t come back, so I advanced inside and headed to what looked like the living room. There were a few framed photos sitting on a glass table up ahead, and I moved towards them, curious about the family that lived here.
I didn’t make it too far before a tiny body came sprinting around the corner. The little girl halted when she saw me, and I froze, too. I locked eyes with a pair of green ones that sparkled with curiosity. Her blonde hair hung in waves around her shoulders. She looked like a doll with her big eyes and delicate features.
“Oh, my gosh. You’re too adorable,” I cooed.
A smile lit up her face and the entire room. “I’m Poppy. Are you my new nanny?”
I stared at the little girl, not sure what to tell her. “Well…”
“Poppy, there you are.” The woman who had greeted me at the door power walked around the corner and gave the little girl a reprimanding look.
“Sorry, Amber,” Poppy said. She then looked at me and grinned sheepishly. “I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.”
I snickered. Was it strange that I liked this kid already? I could tell she was full of energy and probably got a little mischievous sometimes. She reminded me of someone I knew… myself.
“That’s a great rule,” I told her. “You should stick to it.”
“But you’re not a stranger. You’re my nanny!” Poppy reasoned.
“No, she’s not, sweetie,” the woman named Amber began, but then her phone chimed. She held up a finger. “Hold that thought, you two.” She answered her phone and took off again.
Poppy and I stared at each other.
“So… I’m Mia…” I rocked back on my heels. “What’s shaking, kid?”
She giggled and shrugged, and that made me smile.
“Wanna have a tea party, Mia?” she asked.
I snorted my amusement. “Sure, why not?” I guess I could drink a little pretend tea until the seemingly busy Amber got a minute to chat with me.
To my surprise, Poppy grabbed my hand and tugged me further into the apartment. Amber probably wouldn't like this, but who was I to deny the most adorable little girl ever a tea party? She led me away from the photos I’d been curious about, so I still had no idea what her father looked like. I imagined a sophisticated middle-aged man who spoke in a haughty tone.
Poppy pulled me into a bright, cheerful playroom filled with toys and books. Her enthusiasm was contagious. Before I knew it, I was kneeling beside a table, helping her arrange tiny cups and plates. As we settled into our roles—Poppy as the gracious host and me as her honored guest—I couldn’t help but notice how natural and easy it felt. The nanny gig wouldn’t be as hard as I thought it would be. In fact, I could tell Poppy and I would get along famously.
“Poppy is a pretty name,” I said to make conversation.
She gave me a toothy smile. “Daddy says I’m his little flower.”
Aw.She was so freaking cute. “Of course you are. So, Poppy, is Amber your Mom?”