“Stressed?” I could just imagine how I looked after being harassed by someone who I was sure was capable of murder. “I’m just dealing with some stuff. You know how it is.”

Kim nodded as her eyes moved over my face. I’d met her the first day I moved into the building. She was incredibly sweet, and we became fast friends.

“How’s the job hunt going?” She opened her door and turned back to me.

“Not great. I still haven’t found anything.”

Kim placed her load on a table and then took the bag I’d caught. “Maybe I can help.”

Hope inflated in my chest. “You can?”

She nodded. “I have this friend who works with an agency. She mentioned a job she heard about through the grapevine and was only able to get an address. She didn’t know the details but recommended it to me because she knew I was looking for something. I ended up getting another part-time, so I didn’t bother checking it out. You can, though.”

I nodded eagerly. “I’m interested.”

She chuckled. “You don’t even know what the job is yet.”

“Whatever it is, I’m interested.” Maybe desperation would help me to acquire whatever skills I needed for the job.

“Alright…” She reached into her handbag and took out her phone. “I’ll text you the address. I’m sorry that’s all I have to give you.”

“An address is all I need,” I assured her.

As she tapped her phone screen, she murmured. “You know, now that I think about it, you’d make a great nanny.”

Just as my phone dinged with the incoming text, I froze. “Nanny?”

Kim nodded. “Yeah. Check it out. Good luck.”

“Uh-huh… Thanks.”

Kim smiled. “I’ll catch you later.”


I stared at her door long after she closed it.A nanny?I didn’t know jack squat about children. Hell, I could barely take care of myself. However, I had resigned myself to doing whatever job I was lucky enough to get.

“I guess I’m going to try my hand at being a nanny,” I grumbled.

I let out a low whistle as I gazed up at the sleek, towering building, surveying the immaculately dressed people exiting and entering. This was a far cry from my place. I lived in a decent part of town, but this neighborhood looked as if it was built on money.

I clutched my handbag tighter as I approached the entrance. The liveried doorman gave me a polite nod as he held the door open.

“Good afternoon,” he greeted with a smile.

“Afternoon,” I mumbled, feeling a bit out of place. When I stepped inside the lobby, I took in the high ceilings, marble floor, and plush seating. There was even a lady perched on one of the fancy sofas, wearing a fascinator and holding a poodle while she chatted on her phone. Her air of elegance made me feel like a street urchin in my jeans and t-shirt. This was the kind of place you saw in movies, where beautiful people with important jobs lived.

I approached the reception counter where a woman sat. She looked up as I approached, her smile warm but curious.

“Hi, I’m here to see…” Shoot. I had no name to give. It was a nanny gig, so I went with, “The family on the top floor...” According to the info I got from Kim, it was the penthouse apartment. To my amazement, it worked.

“Of course,” the woman said. “Amber is expecting you.”

All I did was nod because I was too stunned that my vague description had actually worked.

“Please, take the elevator to the top floor,” she said.

“Thank you.” I felt a flutter of nerves as I turned towards the elevators. I was nowhere near calm when the doors opened with a chime, and I stepped into a carpeted hallway. There was only one door on the top floor. I took a deep breath before ringing the bell.