He stopped and turned to me. His scowl was gone and in its place was… nothing. His expression was perfectly schooled, and I envied him that ability.

“Last night wasn’t that big of a deal, you know. It was just sex.” I shrugged. “A one-night stand with a blind date is cool with me.”

He inclined his head. “Good. Take care, Jane.”

I didn’t move until I heard his footsteps recede, and the front door open and close. The relieved note of that “Good” irked me. It was like he would’ve felt guilty if I hadn’t told him it was cool, as if he thought I’dcryover him or something.

I snorted as a tear slid down my cheek. “That decent asshole…” If there was such a thing. My tears weren’t all about Michael. They were more about my disappointment in myself for continuing my cycle of fucking everything up. When would I stop being such a mess?

I dashed away another tear and sniffed. “Get a hold of yourself,” I hissed. With that, I pulled in a steadying breath and squared my shoulders.

On the bright side—sort of—at least I had amazing sex my first time through the gate. Plus, I could live in delusion and pretend that it was “Jane Roberts” who lost her virginity to a virtual stranger and not me. The onlyslightcomfort I had was that I’d never have to live through the humiliation of seeing Michael No-last-name again.



I stared into expectant brown eyes as I internally debated if I should accept the invitation just issued to me. For a moment, I felt trapped, which was absurd. It was a simple dinner invitation, or was it more than that…? I studied the woman closely to see if I could somehow determine her intention.

“Michael?” Lorraine’s voice broke through my thoughts, and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Are you okay?”

I felt ridiculous for my long awkward pause. “Sure.” I tapped my fingers on the boardroom table. “Dinner…” I lifted an eyebrow. “To discuss business a little further?”

Lorraine Abrams’s cheeks flushed the slightest shade of pink, and her eyes, which had been fixed on me, slid away.

I knew it then that she wanted a dinnerdate. I’d been working with Lorraine for two years, and she had never given the impression that she was interested in me likethat.

“Well…” She cleared her throat lightly. “I think we’ve discussed everything in this meeting. Later would be more of a social thing.” The color in her cheeks intensified. “You’ve been coming to Omaha for two years now, and I’ve yet to take you out on the town.”

When I continued to stare at her rather than give a response, she laughed nervously. “I feel like I should show you my appreciation for always making the trip.”

I sat back in the wingback chair that was positioned right across from Lorraine. Since she’d hired my firm to revamp her failing business, I’d been the one making the trips. When we met, she was a newly single mom ofthree. As a single father of just one, sometimes I struggled with my busy schedule while parenting, so I sympathized with Lorraine. I’d been making the journey when we had to meet ever since.

“You show me your appreciation just fine, Lorraine.” I prayed she’d drop the whole dinner idea because I wasn’t up for anything more than a professional relationship with her, and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t an attractive and nice woman. I gave her a subtle once over. She was lovely and ideal for me, actually. We were the same age, and she was established in her career. She was financially independent, just as no-nonsense as I was, and she was a parent. She’d understand my limitations when it came to giving her my time. The problem was that Lorraine and I looked good on paper, but I could tell she’d bore me to near death.

Before my date with a certain bubbly, funny, andtroublesometwenty-one-year-old, dating someone like Lorraine, who could be considered my type,might have appealed to me. I stifled a sigh. What had Jane done to me? I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

I wasn’t happy about not being able to forget her. I needed to move on. Still, I wasn’t interested in dating Lorraine or anyone else for that matter. I’d given the whole dating thing a try, and it didn’t work out. I was done for now. Looking Lorraine in the eyes, I gave her the directness she once told me she appreciated.

“It’s best if we keep our interactions professional,” I said.

Although disappointment flashed in her eyes, she kept her expression neutral. See? She was just like me. She wasideal. Why then did I reject her and continue to dwell on Jane… aka Sweet Trouble.She’d keep me on my toes for sure, but she was fucking delicious. Her taste still lingered on my tongue as if our night of passion happened last night rather than weeks ago…

“As you wish,” Lorraine said as she stood up. “I’ll see you at our next meeting. Thanks for coming and enjoy the rest of your stay in Omaha.”

I gave her a tight smile. “Thank you.” I waved at my briefcase and laptop. “I’ll pack up and be out of here soon.”

“Take your time. Goodbye, Michael.”

I watched Lorraine walk out, hoping like hell this wouldn’t make things awkward between us.

Just as I had my things packed and was ready to go, my phone went off. I grabbed it and answered on the first ring because I knew who it was. It was 3:00, a half hour later than when I expected the call, but I figured the nanny waited until they got home before handing Poppy her phone.

“Hey, my little flower,” I greeted.

“Hey, Michael. This isn’t your little flower, I’m afraid. I’m a much,muchbigger one.”