His eyebrows shot up. “Really? Are you always this dramatic?”
I shrugged, and he pulled in a breath that told me he was barely holding on to his patience. Even as he glanced at me with a mixture of annoyance and disbelief, he walked around to the passenger’s side to open my door.
I folded my lips to hide my smile as I slid onto the leather seat. It was strange. Since Michael and I had engaged in intimate conversations for so long, it was like we were a couple who had been together for a while, having a tiff… or maybe that was just my silly romantic imagination running wild again.
I watched Michael from my periphery as he drove off. Something told me he needed my brand of trouble because he was so damn serious. It was too bad there would be no second date… or the epic romance I’d fantasized about.
After I gave him my address, I resigned myself to never seeing him again. The silence went on for a while until I spoke. “Now that you know where I live… Do you live far from me?”
“Far enough,” he answered.
“Afraid to give too many details? Don’t worry. Lying about my age doesn’t make me a crazy stalker.”
That earned me one of those stony-faced stares I’d bet were typical for him. When he returned his attention to the road, I sighed. “You’re really uptight, aren’t you?”
He ignored my question and said, “How about we just nix all conversations and listen to some music?”
“Only if I get to choose the music.” I grinned broadly when he glanced at me with a hint of horror in his eyes. Even though he nodded, he watched me with that skeptical air of his as I fiddled with the dial on the radio.
I found a classic rock station that had Aerosmith’sDream Onplaying. “This is one one of my favorites,” I murmured. I sat back and hummed along.
Michael gave me a raised eyebrow look. This time it wasn’tthe skeptical eyebrowbutraisedeyebrows of approval. Ichuckled and shook my head. “Two hours in your company, and I’m already getting good at reading your eyebrows.”
The mentioned eyebrows then dipped into a frown, and I laughed harder. “What? Were you afraid I’d make you listen to Britney or Taylor?”
A faint smile curved one corner of his mouth. “I’ll admit, I was terrified that’s what you’d subject me to.”
My laughter rang out, and to my surprise, his low chuckle blended in with it. “I’m a fan of the classics,” I shared. “That wasn’t in my profile. ”
“I’m pleasantly surprised,” he said.
“The 70s was a great time for music.”
He snorted derisively. “You weren’t even born yet.”
I sucked my teeth. “Neither were you.”
He smirked. “Good point.”
My gaze zeroed in on his thumbs hitting the steering wheel to the beat of the song. “I think you and I could work, Michael.”
I was given the skeptical eyebrow yet again and my cheeks heated up. “I don’t mean… I’m not sayingyouandmespecifically… I mean people with our differences.” My embarrassment brought out my pride, and I huffed. “You know what? You have some nerve judging me for being younger, as if it’s a crime.”
“Maybe the bigger issue isn’t your age, Jane, but that you lied about it. I don’t like liars.”
He got me there. My indignation simmered down. “Yeah… I guess… Have I apologized for that?”
“Several times.”
“Well, I’m sorry again. Still, I’m sure you didn’t put everything in your profile.”
“That’s different. I don’t think strangers should have the privilege of learning intimate details about my life. That comes later.”
“Agreed. I’m s—” I stopped and sighed. Continuing my crusade to prove something to Michael was making me come off as desperate. “Alright, you’re not into younger women, and that’s fine. I’m not into old guys, but I still gaveyoua chance.”
I winced at the bitterness in my tone and immediately felt bad. Just as I was about to apologize for calling him old, his laughter filled the car. I glanced at him with surprise, and my heart melted. He was gorgeous but even more so when he let loose and reallylaughed. I caught a glimpse of someone else under his stern mask and I liked it. It also piqued my curiosity about Michael No-last-name.
I grinned when he glanced at me and burst out laughing again.